Search results

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    Chime in and diagnose...

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    Blood Pressure after a workout

    Wait, this is a real case? if he actually call you guys in, what was his chief complaint?
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    Should I be considering a Phlebotomist Course?

    I'm a EMT-B in Missouri. I'm doing my job search and i find that alot of Tech jobs in hospitals requires very little special training, execpt for one: Phlebotomy. I know i'll be learing that once i go to paramedic school. but EMT-B jobs here in St. Louis seem to be slim pickings. So should i...
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    Need Help from Someone who's workes/ed for Abbott in Missouri

    awsome, thanks for the info. do you happen to know if they still offer the medic school scholarship with IHM?
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    Newbie Seeks Advice

    Finding job as EMT-B is hell. getting a licences, shoots, certificates and the class itself cost me almost 2 grand. u might get to deliver a bably in to this crazy world- priceless
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    Need Help from Someone who's workes/ed for Abbott in Missouri

    I just applied and interviewed at Abbott, which went pretty well. But here's kicker: Last friday(Spt25) they were suppose to announce New Hires, but i didn't get anyphone calls, not even rejections ones. so i call today and was told by the HR head (she was real cute btw, just in case she's...
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    St. Louis Missouri Opportunities, - Abbott, Gateway, Hospitals, etc.

    Just saw a few new positons open up for EMT-B on BJC's network for Children's Hospital. if ur still looking.
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    EMT-B Jobs in Missouri?

    Great thanks for the advice. I just took Abbott's apply test and interviewed. It went pretty good. Now i'm looking at a coupla spots in Christian's.
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    The Official EMTLIFE Introduction Thread

    Hey, Wvditchdoc, I'm EMT B, brand new. I saw these ads on NREMT for work in Afgan, Iraq, kuwait. It's for civies, but is it relatively safe there? cause i think i'm seriously considering it. ..ah shot, my bad for double post.
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    The Official EMTLIFE Introduction Thread

    Hi, name's David, Just got certified in Aug, I live in St. Louis MO. Still waiting on that state licence. Doing some job hunting right now. Happy to be here! ^ _ ^
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    EMT-B Jobs in Missouri?

    Hey folks, I just got certified as a bright and shinny new EMT-B in Missouri. Anyone know of any good places that are hiring? Preferrably 911's, but i'll take medical transports companies if i have to. ^_^
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    So tough to get hired...?

    Hey man, I just got certified in Aug in missouri, still looking for a job right now. Keep looking, jobs open, but they get snatched up quick. we had 3 full time EMT B jobs at a local hospital, and 4 more PT and Per Diems it's only been 2 weeks. and the FT are already gone. I probably should...
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    What is your weight training routine?

    3 day Routine: Always followed by 30min in steam room. Day 1: 20min Cardio, jog or swim Dumbell press: 4set (1min Rest btw sets) Lat Pulldown:4 set Bicept cure: 4 set Tricept extend: 4set Military press: 4set Day2: 60 min Cardio, jog or swim Crunches on excise ball: 3 set normal, 1...
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    Lunch Assistance

    Gatorade, definately. Nonsalted almonds, hardboiled eggs x2, somekinda pasta (Ravioli, Angelhair), 1 fruit (nectoraine, plum, orange, apple, no bannanas)
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    How long will it take to develop my upper body?

    The folks about are right about doing squats(do leg press may help ur reduce injury to ur knees, never go lower than perpendicular in your knee joints) It also sounds like ur getting some pain in your arms/fingers when your lifting. if that's the case, use light weights (8lb-10lb) to tone...
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    Martial Arts

    I've practiced Kung Fu in a small gym in MO for about 14 yrs. (On and off during college). And i would say this for all martials, best cardio/aerobics ever! 15min of MA equates to about 1hr of jogging/biking. Most of them really help your body mechanic/coordination, power release/control...
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    So what do you guys do to stay in shape?

    Damn. 240 Crunches all in one setting? how much are you resting in between sets? I do sets of 30 w/ 30sec rest in between. 3 set of regulars and 1 set of obliques.
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    Pocket Taser Stun Gun

    Unless your talking about a M-1 or some old WWII piece. But anyho, I personally get her a peper spay. Safer. less fun, but safer. Speaking of fun, have yall seen thess knuckle duster/tasers? Watch 1:50 min and 3:01 min.
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    So what do you guys do to stay in shape?

    yo. New guy. Swim or Run + Steam room ~ 2hr or martial arts~ 1hr :ph34r: 3-4times a week. Protein heavy diet and alot of water.