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  1. C

    Question I don't have the answer to

    A friend of mine approached me the other day and wanted to know something that had no answer for. His younger brother apparently wants to become an EMT. The older brother was telling me (something he shouldn't have by the way) that his brother is a manic depressive and has to take certain...
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    Couple Questions...mostly revolving around pure ignorance (sorry)

    Dear Fellow EMT's, After I finished college in March of 2009 I decided to get my EMT-Basic certificate. I wasn't sure if that was the direction I wanted to go in life but I went and got the certificate just in case. This was all when I lived in Ohio. Last month I made a massive...
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    Take NREMT-B test monday....advice please!!!!

    I could really use some advice on what is the best way to prepare for the NREMT-B Test. I take it on Monday (Dec. 21st). Any advice, any FREE websites for practice tests besides, would be really appreciated. Thank you for doing what you do. Hope to join you soon! -Chall09
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    Preparing for Clinicals

    Dear experienced and knowledgeable EMT's, My EMT-B program is starting their clinicals soon and I'd like to know how I can get the most out of the experience. I'm still a fetus when it comes to this field and my class has just scratched the surface on many of the aspects on what an emt...
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    Question regarding Paramedic to Nursing program.

    I'm still in EMT-Basic class in Springfield, OH, but I'm still thinking long term as what I want to end up doing as a career. EMT-Basics I understand don't get paid very well. The community college I'm going to (Clark State, Springfield, OH) has this 9 month paramedic to nursing program...
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    Is there an EMT Basic audio cd I can download to Ipod?

    I am currently in EMT Basic and our text is "Emergency Care," the 11th edition. Brady is the publisher. Is there an audio cd for this text, or another, that I can download onto my ipod and listen to whenever? If not, any other audio cds you would recommend would be appreciated. -Chall09
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    Average heart rate for Adult, Child, Infant?

    Yesterday in class I was thrown by my inability to know what the average heart rate is for an adult, child, and infant. Can someone please clear this up for me. I do know that adults average resperation is 12-29 breaths/minute, child is 15-30, and a infant is 25-50. I know this is...
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    Will I get hired if I don't commit to paramedic level?

    I seem to always feel like I'm at the crossroad in life. I'm on my way to being an EMT Basic. Lately, however, I find myself very interested in possible (in the future) pursuing to become a RN. I want very much to be a Basic and get the overall experience of EMS. Someone told me that I...
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    Tricks of staying alert and awake?

    Anybody know of any tricks of the trade to stay alert and awake while on the job? Caffeine and ample rest should be obvious. Any secrets out there would be appreciated! -Chall09
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    What is the easiest method to learning BP?

    I just started EMT class yesterday. I've always never really understood the pressure system when it comes to taking blood pressure. All I know is systolic (when the blood is coming into heart, right?) and dystolic (when the heart is relaxing-???). Plus 120 over 80 is normal. No idea what the...
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    EMT-Basic-hirable from the get-go or need more schooling...???

    I'm curious as to how many EMT's can hired when they are only at the basic level. Do fire departments/Private EMS operators/Etc. look for basics? I start my schoolin in 2 days and I just want some reassurance that a job won't be impossible to find. Obviously EMS services would want...
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    Do EMT's get Polygraphed?

    Somebody told me the other day that in order to get hired as an EMT Basic, or firefighter, you have to be polygraphed. I am unsure if this person knew what they were talking about so I would appreciate it if someone would set the record straight on this. I live in Ohio if that matters...
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    How common are 8 hr shifts?

    So here I am again worried about a decision that could ultimately change the course of my life. I've just graduated college and now I feel called to be a EMT. Basic starts on Sept 9. The question that this thread regards is 8 hr shifts. How common are they? If I were to become an EMT...
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    Free EMT Basic Audio online?

    Is there any online sites that provide FREE EMT Basic Audio? I'm looking for something constructive to listen to while I'm on the computer. -Stable09
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    Start Basic Training Soon...worried about long shifts..sleep is essential.

    Dear Everybody, I start EMT Basic training on September 9th and I'm already worried. I have no worries about school or training. In fact, I'm extremely excited for the chance to do my best in school. The thing that keeps making me second guess my decision to become a EMT is the shifts...
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    Start Basic Training Sept. 9.....NEED ADVICE/POINTERS FOR PREPARING!

    Dear EMS Advocates, I'm 23 years old and recently graduated college at OSU with a BA in English. Recently I've decided to go back to school in the Fall (classes start Sept. 9) for EMT-Basic and I wanted to ask anybody (everybody) for advice on how I should prepare myself for my classes...