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  1. B

    Just Failed

    Take a practice test. Identify your weak spots and from there reread those chapters. Good luck!
  2. B

    What text are you using to teach Basic?

    When you say, "not consistent" what do you mean by that?
  3. B

    Time line before damage

    While we are on the topic, here is an article that may be of interest to you. Brain Glucose Transporters: Relationship to Local Energy Demand-
  4. B

    Scenario time.

    Haven't finished reading this, but keep in mind that amitriptyline also inhibits noradrenaline reuptake.
  5. B

    Vital Signs Jeparody...

    Okay fine, take the hard way out, lol. Get a BVM and start bagging with supplemental oxygen. Start an IV, give a fluid bolus. Get a thermometer reading. Pulse ox for the heck of it(flushed skin eh? any CO poisoning?). What's the background and clinical info? There, happy now?
  6. B

    What's wrong with this picture?

    Nice picture though.
  7. B

    Vital Signs Jeparody...

    For a guy with vital signs like that?! Only one thing for us to do...I'll go get the body bag...jk jk.
  8. B


    We don't use them here.
  9. B

    Discussion on "First Responders" -- and my keeness

    They are helpful, I'm an EMT-B myself. We have the occasional first responder at my department and they're darn helpful. A lot of firefighters around here are first responders. I would trust a lot of the first responders here before I would a lot of the other Basics.
  10. B

    "Cool" EMS Music

    I have a CD that I keep as a mix so that I have a theme song for our calls...really geeky I know and probably not in the best taste, but hey it keeps me entertained. "I'm On Fire" - Bruce Springsteen- Fire backup and general burns... "Too Much Blood in My Alcohol Level"- David Ball- Assaults...
  11. B

    What's that red button on the radio for?

    Don't touch it unless you're being shot/stabbed/etc.
  12. B

    Darwin Award - Paramedic student shocks classmate

    That's really disappointing.....
  13. B

    Middle School EMS Club Advice Thread

    Great thread and ideas. I'll try to get some of them implemented in our Future Medics Club at my high school. Thanks everyone!
  14. B

    happy new year...06

    Happy new year everyone!
  15. B

    Glove Poll

    Just wondering how many/when you wear gloves on your calls.
  16. B


    I agree, latex seem to fit the best out of all the gloves I've ever used. They have a certain feel and dexterity that nitrile just doesn't seem to have. I use the nitrile though just because of the concern for latex allergies. No reason to take a risk.
  17. B

    "OH S#@T!!!"

    LLQ? Probably not appendicitis.
  18. B

    Hunter Down

    MAST trousers?! 1000 mL?! No one does that anymore. If you can feel a radial pulse (or if the systolic BP is 90 and above), no reason to give a bolus. If you can't, give the patient a 250 bolus and continue to do so until a radial pulse or 90 systolic is obtained. Permissive hypotension.
  19. B


    I already got mine just because it seems that we've been getting a lot of calls for people with flu-like symptoms. Not taking any chances. As for the can cause some pretty nasty things in reason for an adult not to be vaccinated. It's that kind of attitude that...
  20. B

    Chest pains

    That, he probably won't come back now.