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  1. usafmedic45

    the 100% directionless thread

    Yeah....even as someone who is designing his own aircraft as a hobby project, I still look at a lot of that and go "Why precisely is that worth bothering with?"
  2. usafmedic45

    Paramedic Advantage-Medic prep course in Orange County

    Seriously....unless you are seriously academically lacking, it is probably just going to drain your bank account for little if any gain. These types of courses prey upon the slow, weak and stupid in our ranks based upon their fear.
  3. usafmedic45

    Paramedic Advantage-Medic prep course in Orange County

    Why would you need a prep course? If you really want to prep for it, take some college courses in chemistry, anatomy, physiology, English composition, physics, etc.
  4. usafmedic45

    the 100% directionless thread

    I actually don't like airshows all that much especially when the fighter jets come out. That's my cue to go inside. Too much noise, not enough interest....
  5. usafmedic45

    NJ EMT Plaque for car windshield????

    Kat and I have had dinner with Fearless Leader... For those of you who are not also members of the Critical Care Medicine discussion list:
  6. usafmedic45

    the 100% directionless thread

    Any show in particular? I happen to really like Air Crash Investigation.
  7. usafmedic45

    NJ EMT Plaque for car windshield????

    Is it bad that both Kat and I went 'I wonder how far a squirrel would fly after being launched like that?'
  8. usafmedic45

    NJ EMT Plaque for car windshield????

  9. usafmedic45

    NJ EMT Plaque for car windshield????

  10. usafmedic45

    NJ EMT Plaque for car windshield????

    Nothing says "Attention local people with a beef with the police: Please bust in my windows" quite like that.
  11. usafmedic45

    NJ EMT Plaque for car windshield????

    They only allow those with exceptionally small genitalia to possess them.
  12. usafmedic45

    My Safety 5 Tips for Driving

    Rule #1: Operate as though everyone around you is drunk, high, stupid, ignorant, oblivious, distracted or just a good ol' fashioned sadistic ***hole until given conclusive evidence to refute such beliefs in a given case. Apply this as broadly or as narrowly as you see fit.
  13. usafmedic45

    Hypoxic brain injury with OD/hypoglycemia?

    Precisely why if the patient may well have a reversible cause of their unconsciousness (re: hypoglycemia)? Bag the patient, push the D50 (or glucagon) and see if that gets their glucose level back up and if the patient comes around. If that does not work, then and only then, would i consider...
  14. usafmedic45

    Hypoxic brain injury with OD/hypoglycemia?

    You do realize that a brain injury can occur simply from hypoglycemia right? This is one of those scenarios where you correct the problems you are confronted with and worry about sorting out what caused it later (if at all) since the patient doesn't have time for such pedantic academic exercises.
  15. usafmedic45

    Hypoxic brain injury with OD/hypoglycemia?
  16. usafmedic45

    New York state exam question

    One should always approach all test questions like they are going to count against you.
  17. usafmedic45

    When are you active on EMTLIFE?

    I know. Nothing says "We are always watching" like a 45 second turn around on an infraction. :P
  18. usafmedic45

    New York state exam question

    There's always a chance you failed. I doubt how quickly something comes (especially if it takes six weeks) is a valid predictor of success or failure and there is probably no conclusive data to say one way or the other. I guess you shall see what your n=1 experience will be. By the way...
  19. usafmedic45

    New York state exam question

    Why do you think that?
  20. usafmedic45

    short Interview

    I might be a little brash, but it's not malicious, I assure you. Most people simply lack the ability or will to be critically self-assessing. My goal is to force people to do so for their own benefit, that of their patients and (potential) colleagues.