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  1. emtCstock

    What do you have in your pockets?

    I love my vapo rub, I use it all occasionally (mainly just rotting body parts) and it works wonders for me. It's just a matter of putting it on before you smell anything bad.
  2. emtCstock

    Why are Paramedics paid so little?

    Being an EMT-b, I don't make much, I knew that going into the field. I always have people telling me, "why don't you do something that pays better". I however see it as I love to do this, when i'm on a unit working, it doesn't even seem like work for me, so whatever money I do get from it is an...
  3. emtCstock

    What do you have in your pockets?

    My kit on my belt with all my sheers, Vics Vapo rub, a little flip note book, gum, wallet, cell phone, and gloves. :)
  4. emtCstock

    Using EMT Skills off-duty

    I wasn't implying you can't do anything without equipment, just not much without equipment.
  5. emtCstock

    Using EMT Skills off-duty

    There is really not much anyone can do without proper equipment. I've been in this situation, and unfortunately had nothing at my disposal. It sucks, especially if you know what to do and what you need for the particular scenario.
  6. emtCstock

    I used fisdap, and just read my book over and over again. I failed the first time at 120 then passed with the same, 120. Just keep your head up and go over your textbook, you wont find a much better source then your textbook :)
  7. emtCstock

    4YO Partial Siezure

    Yeah I had him on his side. I was just curious if there was any different between left Lat. recumb, or the right side like the dispatch said.
  8. emtCstock

    DNR/Advanced Directivies.

    Agree with Firefite*
  9. emtCstock

    DNR/Advanced Directivies.

    I agree with fire, if they do have a valid DNR I would not resuscitate, if they are getting hostile, move the patient to the unit and call PD. California is pretty stern on DNR's as well as local protocols, you have to take those into effect.
  10. emtCstock

    4YO Partial Siezure

    Yes, focal.
  11. emtCstock

    4YO Partial Siezure

    Okay right on. It just made me wonder why I wasn't sure to do, maybe because ive never been on a call of a ped with a seizure. Not sure, I was calm but just puzzled.
  12. emtCstock

    4YO Partial Siezure

    Also not sure why the 911 dispatch said right side rather than the left, not sure if that makes a difference or not.
  13. emtCstock

    4YO Partial Siezure

    I'm an emt-b and this happened recently (I currently work at this store awaiting a job for the ambulance service in my county, so I have only put an honest 24 hours in the field so I'm not used to real life scenes yet) So a 4 year old at the store is sitting in the cart seat and starts to...
  14. emtCstock

    Post the # your test stopped at, and if you Passed/Failed

    1st 120 fail 2nd 120 pass
  15. emtCstock

    My NREMT

    Hahaha, yeah I didnt look at it that way, The C is the first letter of my name and Stock is part of my last name, so yeah xD
  16. emtCstock

    My NREMT

    Haha, well ya know. I didnt over study to the point where I was forgetting stuff. I used the book that I got during my class the AAOS Emergency orange book, it seemed to be a pretty good book. Also what I learned is just go with your gut instinct and be as basic as possible. I usually tend to...
  17. emtCstock

    My NREMT

    I passed!
  18. emtCstock

    My NREMT

    Take 2 is on Wednesday. Feeling a little better.
  19. emtCstock

    My NREMT

    Thanks, I'm feeling pretty confident this time around.
  20. emtCstock

    My NREMT

    Well on a side note from you both, I'm retaking it next week. So I hope for the best.