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  1. jgaddis82

    Opinion on use of rapid response units

    I realize that this has been discussed in some forms already, but I'm curious to know how medics feel about a statement that was made in my Emt-A class. It was said that within the next few years, medics will probably almost never be dispatched to a scene. That the Emt-A will have to call for a...
  2. jgaddis82


    I would just like to say that I have seen and heard quite a few paramedics talk about Emt's as if they are the greenest know-nothings ever. But I have also seen some paramedics who have become so much like super heros in their own minds, that they become complacent. This is how patients get...
  3. jgaddis82

    working while in school

    Ok so I need some advice. I'm in the advanced Emt class here in Georgia. I'm a certified pharmacy tech, out of work, with little or no hope of finding a job in that field here. My question is, can I get certified as a phlebotomist, Emt-B, or first responder and go to work somewhere using the...