Search results

  1. Shepard

    Private, Fire Based Ambulance

    Has anyone thought of or worked on a private, fire based ambulance? Scenario: EMT X works at Private ALS Ambulance Company, but also is a volunteer with BLS Fire Dept. Medic Y is in the same boat. ALS Private decides that they will put an ambulance at BLS Fire that says Fire on the side, is...
  2. Shepard

    Stair Chairs

    For some ungodly reason my company has decided to not equip the rigs with stair chairs. We do primarily BLS IFT and we have a few 911 rigs and run CCT as well. However. We've been expanding into a county with houses that ALL have stairs. In fact, in one city every home has a minimum of 13 steps...
  3. Shepard

    Haix Sizing and Width

    I'm looking for a new pair of boots. I decided on Haix R2's. But... before I drop $220 online, I need the sizing chart so I know how they fit, and the width. So: Anyone with these boots: How do you like em? Anyone know where to find the sizing guide (I need the size AND width)?
  4. Shepard

    Thoughts on droppin lbs?

    Trying to get down to the weight (and BP) I would like to/should be at. I'm about 50 lbs over where I need to be. I'm running again which is helping, but I start working 12s this weekend Thurs-Sun. I leave home at about 7:45 and get home if I'm not held over at 22:00. This doesn't give me a huge...
  5. Shepard

    Another 68W thread

    I'm a transport, sometimes CCT rarely 911 EMT, almost vollie FF, in college working on public health, planning on medic school. I've always been drawn to the military, especially disaster relief and the like. Strongly considering NG as a 68W as a way to give back, get experience, serve my...
  6. Shepard

    911 or Transport?

    A buddy of mine got a job offer from two different companies and is wondering what to do. I figured I'd ask the EMTLife community and see what the concensus is. So: one job is a 911 private ambulance service located 1.5 hours from him. They handle a lower volume of calls (I don't know the exact...
  7. Shepard

    Another "Just another new guy..."

    Hi all, Just saying hi and introducing myself. I'm in the SF Bay Area, I've taken an EMR course and I'll be starting my EMT-B course in the spring. I've been surfing EMTLife for a bit and it's been really valuable in determining what I want to do and how I go about my career in EMS. Thank you...