Search results

  1. Genesis

    Management and EMS

    Years ago, I started going to school for a bachelors in technical management. I have 3 years in and I figure that it would be a waste to not finish it. I'm still VERY interested in EMS and I'm pretty sure that's where I'm supposed to be in life. I was an EMT Basic. I got my certification in PA...
  2. Genesis

    Question: Did Patient Need NRB?

    OK, I had this patient last night and I'm only asking this because the ER nurses were looking at me kinda strange. Code 3 to Nursing Home for severe abdominal pain. We get there and the pt is sitting in her chair obviously in pain and states that she's having trouble breathing. Her o2 sat is...
  3. Genesis

    More about boots

    For those of you who have had experience with both, do you prefer the full 8in our quarter boots?
  4. Genesis

    Medical Control

    I am an EMT-B student (just started a few weeks ago) and my book doesn't do a good job of explaining medical control. When we call medical control, who exactly are we contacting? The ER Physician? Is there someone specifically designated as medical control? Where are they? Also, does this...
  5. Genesis


    Hey all! I'm going to be starting school here in January (EMS Associate in Applied Science) to be a paramedic. Are there any books or websites that I can start looking at that you know of to start pre-learning so that I can be familiar with some things before I start classes?