Search results

  1. monkeyfeet

    more BP questions

    while i'm starting to feel pretty skookum on the actual process of taking bps, i do have some bp-related questions i was hoping some of you folks could help me out with... if a pt has a distal iv, can you still take a bp on that arm so long as the line is closed/capped? how about if the pt...
  2. monkeyfeet

    job hunting

    i know most of you folks already work in ems, and some of you are probably involved in hiring new employees, so i was hoping you could give me some advice. i'm a newly-certified basic trying desperately to find a job, but it seems there are lots more emts than jobs where i live. i'm wondering if...
  3. monkeyfeet

    just sayin hello

    hey all, i'm new here, just finished my basic course a week ago and am waiting impatiently for my natl registry results. nice to meet you guys.