Recent content by WiserOne

  1. W

    National Ambulance UAE

    I know I am late to the party but I am currently making ~90k/year to be a flight medic state side. I am interested interested in going to the Middle East only if it makes economic sense. So, I speak the language and am from and understand the culture. Will I be in demand? I know enough to...
  2. W

    Is this website accurate when it comes to paramedic salaries

    I live and work just outside NYC and made 115k last year. I work 50hrs a week. That said, it's very expensive to live here. The average hourly in my zip for the top earners is about $7 too low. Disclaimer..... There are really crap organizations out here paying new medics $18-20 an hr...
  3. W

    Dangers of EMS? Any experiences?

    In my experiences, and I don't mean to begrudge anyone here, EMS providers are at times willful participants is their own assault. I've seen some people walk into a patients house and be very deserving of a smack or two for their behavior. Other times I've seen people engage in very logical...
  4. W

    cardiac mneumonix

    First degree. First PQRS same as next. Second degree STRIKE 1, STRIKE 2, STRIKE 3, the QRS is out. Second degree type TOO many P waves. 3rd degree. A P wave, an R wave and disassociation. This may not work for you but I usually make up little anectdotes and stories to remember things.
  5. W

    Dangers of EMS? Any experiences?

    FDNY gave authority to field Luitenants to determine where a particular unit should be posted based solely on safety during this time of, let's call it, public anger. In my case, my colleagues are posted at the station with 3 other units. The feeling I get unfortunately is all branches of...
  6. W

    Scenario-ish: To intubate or not to intubate?

    Just adding my two cents...... The patients condition upon your arrival was not such for his lack of intubation. You managed the patient well and if time permitted very well COULD have intubated. Given the time circumstances, I would have not intubated. Add ten minutes to transport time and I...
  7. W

    Hi, I am an Arab speaking critical care paramedic and flight paramedic from NYC although I live...

    Hi, I am an Arab speaking critical care paramedic and flight paramedic from NYC although I live and work in the suburbs now. I have been a paramedic for 10 years with progressively increasing responsibility with some operations supervision experience. Would my language skills make me a shoe in...