Recent content by strattamatter

  1. S

    Cayman Islands EMS recruiting

    Looks like they are recruiting again (March 2019). Any intel from anyone on what working conditions are like?
  2. S

    Paramedic position - Golden, Colorado (closes 9/3/18)

    Calling all experienced and independent Paramedics: Apply at AMR Golden consists of two dedicated 24/7 ALS type I, 4x4 ambulances staffed by 6 EMT Basics and 6 Paramedics on a rotating 48/96 schedule. These two crews respond to all...
  3. S

    APEX Paramedics Colorado

    All is know is that the Denver area is greatly under served by the 127 EMS services fighting for all the scraps.;)
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    Saudi Red Crescent Authority

    Medic75- If you don't hear from them in a day or two, resend your application. I waited over a month after I got my file number. After not hearing anything, and several emails later I decided to resend my application. I heard back the next day. Since then, communication has been swift...
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    Saudi Red Crescent Authority

    Anybody aware of the possibility of getting posted anywhere other than Riyadh? I completed my "Employment Form" today, and had so sign acknowledging that.... "I shall work according to SRCA's choice of place". On that note, my wife wants to come with me but doesn't want to be bored out of her...
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    Saudi Red Crescent Authority

    I applied online at the SRCA website about 40 days ago. Heard nothing back ever after several emails trying to confirm they received my application. I finally decided to re-apply online. I received an email back within 5 hours requesting all the paperwork. Guess they just lost my first...
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    Saudi Red Crescent Authority

    I have a friend moving out in about 2 months with 4y.o. 8y.o. and 17y.o.
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    Saudi Red Crescent Authority

    I will start getting my paperwork together now. I don't see any reason for for my application not to be chosen outside of fulfilling all their recruitment needs. (unlikely?) I appreciate all the info you have placed here, I will save the rest of us alot of headaches.
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    Saudi Red Crescent Authority

    Such great information here. Thanks to everyone contributing. Great book Patrick, couldn't put it down. Question... I sent my online application at the SRCA website more that 2 weeks ago. I received an applicant number, but no other correspondence. I've been trying to be patient, but am...