Recent content by RescueRandy

  1. R

    Do all Paramedics Think they know all???

    There's nothing wrong with a little pride in who you are and what you've done. So that's a little out of line. Being confident doesn't equate to a having a big ego either. If you read the posts by Ridryder all over these forums he hardly comes off as egocentric. For you non Paramedics out...
  2. R

    Site Plug

    Thanks Jon, get on it then, you can plug your MySpace blog! :)
  3. R

    Site Plug

    Thought I'd plug this humble site since Matt is good enough to let us do it. Suffer Bus is another EMS community site, with all user submitted news articles, ratings, FREE blogs, a mobile gallery where you can send pics from a cell phone, personal photo albums, and more. Check it out if...
  4. R

    Paramedic course/training

    Franklin Cty. Career & Tch Ctr 2463 Loop Rd Chambersburg, Pa 17201 May be not offering classes now, here's another PA link for EMS training.
  5. R

    Thought this was pretty funny

    That's great! Love it!
  6. R

    EMS use of body armor studied

    An issue is expensive for some dept. maybe. If you work for a private service then they will not want to shell out for an expensive item like a vest. I got mine from a hospital based service that didn't require them, but would issue one if you requested it. Be interesting to see how many of...
  7. R

    Breaking the Rules

    I'm sorry, but that's so irresponsible. You can call me a cold hard *******, many have before so it doesn't hurt my feeling. But you need to treat all your patients the same. First, if this man gets a sandwich, you get a refusal? If you transport and he gets a meal in the ER then why feed him...
  8. R


    No doubt he needs the OR, and there's not much you're going to do for him except haul butt. Don't over complicate things. No doubt that's a frustrating mess, but you can't change that. Besides, you pump in a bunch of fluid and he'll just bleed more, you aren't going to stop that. All you...
  9. R


    I'd have to ask: have you done this? Tubed and then gave narcan? Really it's a great textbook answer but does't work in reality. You give the narcan first, it's fast and easy, then you KNOW what the problem is. It's harmless enough at a dose less than 2 mg and sure is a lot better for everyone...
  10. R

    EMS use of body armor studied

    You just don't want to be part of that "big inicident". But really, it depends on how YOU act too. Back then, in my youth, I liked to play hard, and spoke before I thought about it, so I brought a lot on myself.
  11. R

    EMS use of body armor studied

    So in LA it's not popular? Guess it depends on the area you work too. Back in the day (late 80's) in Atlanta the crime was pretty bad and I wore one, as my partner did. Maybe only a half dozen in the service wore, but I never got any crap over it, at least to my face. Never got shot, but had...
  12. R

    Breaking the Rules

    There's plenty of rules to be broken, but those 2 maybe I'd stay away from. You're responsible for a lot, as is your employer, so keep that in mind. A lot of stupid sounding rules were made for a reason. You drive a couple miles off the road that most would take, and are invlolved in a wreck...
  13. R

    For those who work for AMR...

    As an FTO and tester I can speak only for myself, but most of the people testing won't give you a hard time. You need to relax first, and then if you show you have knowledge and can do it then you will have no trouble. Most people have far more trouble with the physical part of the testing, so...
  14. R


    The Best I'll second those Rocky's, really comfy, I've had several pairs, they alllasted about 2 years under heavy use.