Recent content by monkeyfeet

  1. monkeyfeet

    Forum Names

    i have uncommonly dexterous feet.
  2. monkeyfeet

    more BP questions

    thanks for the replies, everyone! i got a lot of inconsistent answers from ppl at work, so i'm reassured by the general sense of agreement here. :)
  3. monkeyfeet

    more BP questions

    while i'm starting to feel pretty skookum on the actual process of taking bps, i do have some bp-related questions i was hoping some of you folks could help me out with... if a pt has a distal iv, can you still take a bp on that arm so long as the line is closed/capped? how about if the pt...
  4. monkeyfeet

    looking for a Wilderness EMT school recommendation.

    i took the SOLO wemt course and would definitely recommend it!
  5. monkeyfeet

    what is the latest Brady edition?

    my emt says 10th edition...
  6. monkeyfeet

    o2 Bottle Question

    since i have the book and it's sitting next to my computer, page 157 says the answer is 200.
  7. monkeyfeet

    Denver/Colorado Springs Area

    denver health runs 911 for denver county ( i think a few different private services have contracts for the surrounding metro area (rural/metro, pridemark, action care, etc). where would you be moving from?
  8. monkeyfeet

    Denver/Colorado Springs Area

    i've only been in denver a few months now, but aside from the ridiculous storms i like it here. as far as reciprocity goes, co accepts/requires national registry (i don't think they'll grant reciprocity based on only a cert from another state). the co dept of public health website has a...
  9. monkeyfeet

    job hunting

    i know most of you folks already work in ems, and some of you are probably involved in hiring new employees, so i was hoping you could give me some advice. i'm a newly-certified basic trying desperately to find a job, but it seems there are lots more emts than jobs where i live. i'm wondering if...
  10. monkeyfeet

    Is EMS really right for you?

    satan and/or a pirate. excellent.
  11. monkeyfeet

    just sayin hello

    been on the road and away from the internet for the last five days or so, but just checked for my results and i passed! yay!! now i just need an apartment and a job, but at least it's a start.
  12. monkeyfeet

    How does the EMT career path work?

    i'm not working as an emt (dont even know if i passed the natl reg yet) so i can't contribute much to the supporting-yourself discussion, but i just did my wemt/emt-b at SOLO and i hafta say it was really cool. more expensive than a normal emt-b class for sure, but a lot of fun. i took the class...
  13. monkeyfeet

    just sayin hello

    thanks, tincan. no worries, though, i'm really pretty laid back. i'm moving on wednesday (moving is sort of a hobby of mine, perhaps even more so than changing careers) and checking for results and job openings compulsively had been my alternative to packing for the past few days. very...
  14. monkeyfeet

    just sayin hello

    thanks for the warm welcome, everyone! dammit fm_emt, now i can't really justify checking 43 times a day, can i? thanks for putting an end to my blissful ignorance. <_< well, now that i have to find something to fill the void compulsively checking for results used to occupy, do you guys...
  15. monkeyfeet

    just sayin hello

    did checking for 'em 18 times a day make 'em show up faster? 'cause so far it's not working for me.