Recent content by jona2125

  1. jona2125

    NYPD vs FDNY

    I'm just saying each division should stay within their own division. Fire doing EMS is for money saving but I'm not going either way with that statement. EMS doing Fire doesn't make any sense. Police doing either of those duties is just as confusing. There is a difference between police being a...
  2. jona2125

    NYPD vs FDNY

    I agree. Fire has proper available equipment for this. The ESU tries to keep up with that but it has not been the greatest success. I really hate seeing a mash up of out of place departments. Fire and EMS = Decent. Police and EMS = Bad juju. The huge point that should be clear from this video is...
  3. jona2125

    NYPD vs FDNY

    Well the NYPD have a special ESU (Emergency Service Unit) that responds to these things but because FDNY is more delegated to these incidents naturally it's a huge turf war. You can see what happens in the video how they go back and forth trying to put equipment in place and lift the car. Should...
  4. jona2125

    NYPD vs FDNY

    Yea it's a shame all together. There's no point in dwelling on the things that should have happened. It's better to admit what went wrong, and work on improving it in the future. I really think the rush to get the spreader in was a poor decision. It wasn't very stable when the started lifting...
  5. jona2125

    NYPD vs FDNY

    Anyone see this. Seemed like a big cluster situation. The two divisions obviously didn't want to work together. Thoughts/opinions?
  6. jona2125


    Yea that's for sure
  7. jona2125


    They took it down. But here it is on a different site
  8. jona2125

    My knee hurts now...
  9. jona2125

    My knee hurts now...

    Yea I found it, it's up on another site
  10. jona2125


    Lol that's a funny video
  11. jona2125

    My knee hurts now...

    I guess I'm not turtlely enough for the turtle club lol. I can't watch it, it says it's private :/
  12. jona2125

    Trauma series

    They're nice bags but extremely expensive
  13. jona2125

    New Paramedic TV show...

    That sirens show does look funny. Idk how well of a twist Leary can throw on that. I didn't like rescue me. Hopefully it's going to be good though. At least hold water to trauma.
  14. jona2125

    Starting Medic

    Also I'm not satisfied with A&P I this semester. It was way too broad. I don't feel like I even learned anything more than I have through self directed learning at home
  15. jona2125

    Starting Medic

    I think I was in your basic of 2009, you had carver right? I'm jorden but you probably don't remember me. You sound familiar going off your nickname