Recent content by BedpanCommando

  1. B

    Commuting / Remote jobs

    Look up Beacon OHSS, Fairweather, or Total Safety. I think there are a few more but these are the big ones for medic support in the Alaska oil fields. I used to think 3 twelve hr shifts in a row sucked untill I did 21 in the oil patch. But the time off is great.
  2. B


    Along with everything said above there is also the option to get on with one of the companys that provide remote medics. Look up Beacon OHSS and Fairweather. The time away from home sucks but the time off is great.
  3. B

    Need urgent answers - Failed Protocols Exam!

    The best advise I can give after 24 years in the field is to use as little abbreviations as possible.
  4. B

    Anybody work somewhere else as a provider other than an amb or hosp?

    Remote medic in the Alaska oil fields, and on off shore drilling rigs. Before that, US Air Force, also semi pro.
  5. B

    Air Force Aerospace Medical Service?

    I was an Aerospace Medical Service Craftsman for almost 23 years. (4 on flight status as an Aeromedical Evac Tech.) I retired a year ago. Some of what Mycrofft said was true. Very little of the training translates directly into a civilian job. That being said it does help. You will get...
  6. B

    Lab test

    Every year for the last 22 years. That reminds me it's almost time.
  7. B

    Going to Middle of Nowhere - what to take?

    My company has a form that goes something like this. Over the Counter (OTC) medication responsibility release... I acknowledge that by signing this form that: 1. I am solely responsible for the correct usage of this OTC medication. This includes correct dosage, administration and...
  8. B

    Going to Middle of Nowhere - what to take?

    I don't know about Alberta but the oil fields here in Alaska are not close to any major population center so no need to bring much money. The catering crew, if there worth anything will keep you well fed and have a supply of candy on hand. So no worries there. Sports is almost always on the...
  9. B

    Salary Advice?

    Everything AKflightmedic said is the absolute truth. As a remote medic in Alaska I couldn’t have said it any better. One of the first things you should do upon arrival is finding out how to contact local assets. The best tool I've found to keep all that straight in an ICS form 206. (just...
  10. B

    What is your most ridiculous call?

    12:30 AM outside of Fairbanks AK, mid January. Temp about -20F. Dispatcher calls me direct in the station (just a little odd) to send my rig to the base dining hall for a man whose "penis is missing" his words not mine. Wake my partner up and drive to the location without L/S. and make...
  11. B

    Military medics using stethoscopes.

    I use the one "issued" and not returned all the time. Ahh Littman, only the best.
  12. B

    Needing to Vent

    This is why I no longer stop when off duty.
  13. B

    Aluminum foil for burns

    Did anyone notice the date of this article "Monday, Aug. 30, 1948". Not a typo 1948. I think no one has heard of this because it was used 53 years ago. Just a thought..
  14. B

    unconscious patients and stairs

    That’s what Firemen are for. That and opponents for HALO