Those silly firefighters


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AUSTIN, TX — A firefighter who stopped to pick up a hamburger before rushing to help a woman in respiratory distress has been fired.

Firefighter Michael Pooler’s decision to stop at the Burger House next to his fire station before jumping onto a fire truck delayed the emergency response by two minutes, said Acting Fire Chief Jim Evans.

Evans said in a disciplinary memo released Tuesday that Pooler demonstrated “a shocking neglect of duty” in the Jan. 4 incident.

“Immediate response to 911 calls is the very essence of what it means to be an Austin firefighter. ... Because of his selfish and highly unprofessional actions, he has no right to remain an Austin firefighter,” the memo said...

Read the rest:
The fire department has since released a picture of the fire fighter in question.

The fire department has since released a picture of the fire fighter in question.


lmao!!!! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
what a dunce!
And they made him a shift leader...Maybe whoever was supposed to be evaluating him was getting some fries with that?
The fire department has since released a picture of the fire fighter in question.


Haha. :P

I heard about this on the radio one day on the way to work. I was laughing my a** off and feeling sorry for the poor woman at the same time. Makes you wonder sometimes what people are thinking. Or the lack their of.
I hope at least that he enjoyed the burger, as it was most likely the most expensive one he had ever bought! 5$= price of a burger, seeing the look on his face upon dismissal: Priceless.
Man, I wish they held cops to the standard they hold firefighters and EMTs by.
I'm calling BS on this story! You can't go to a fast food restaurant and get your food in only 2 minutes! :rolleyes:
Okay, I gotta admit to having driven an ambulance (after a call) through a high school fund raiser car wash. I had a newbie ride along with me, she was a bit surprised when I made her dig into her pockets for donation money too!
Man, I wish they held cops to the standard they hold firefighters and EMTs by.

I agree 100% with that. I have seen cops finish a meal and hope they get 22ed before the can get out the door. I am talk 20 minutes here :wacko:
Houston had firefighters stopping for pizza...

...with CPR in progress in back. Many years ago, I'll bet....