Locating items on the "truck"


Forum Crew Member
I created a learning tool for our squad that might be of interest. I would be happy to modify it for other units having a need for such a thing.

The purpose of the tool is to help new folks learn where items are located on the ambulance. We have 4 units with three different cabinet layouts. The tool is a game-like software application that allows the learner to compete with him or herself in locating items on the ambulance.

The heart of the program is a screen with line drawings depicting the location of the cabinets inside and outside truck. The program displays the name of an item (such as emesis bags) and the learner must click on the cabinet having the item. If the learner selects the correct location, the program flashes “Correct” and displays another item. If the location is not correct, the program displays “Penalty Number 1,” waits 3 seconds and allows a second try. This continues until the learner either selects the correct location or misses three times. On the third miss, the program tells the learner the answer and the learner must then click the correct location to continue.

After 30 randomly selected items, the program tells the learner the time taken to locate the 30 items and compares that time to previous times.

If you’re interested in pursuing this for your unit, drop me an email with your contact information and I’ll send you a link to the program so you can download it onto your PC (Sorry, it won’t run on a MAC). I’ll also tell you what I would need to customize the program for your organization. (Basically you’ll have to create some line drawings and provide me a text file of the list of items in the format I need for the program.)
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Forum Deputy Chief
yeah we got something like that. but we use the daily checkout sheet. simple, easy, and FREE.

welcome to the forum.


Forum Crew Member
We use a checklist daily also, but on our volunteer squad, we are divided into 8 teams which means that a person may work only one day out of every eight. And, a person may not be the one to check out an ambulance on their duty day. We found it of benefit. And the offer I made was FREE also. Hey, I realize it ain't for everyone... But if you'd like to check it out, let me know.


Forum Deputy Chief
sorry chief. every couple weeks we get someone new here selling something. your post lookd like like an advertisement, your post count is lower than my shoe size etc etc. i guess i jumped the gun.

while i personally have no use for a program of that type, maybe other will.

now my service has a ploicy that all the trucks are stocked identically so once you've learned one, you know the fleet.

anyway, sorry i jumped on you. kind of a knee jerk to salesman.


Forum Vice-Principal
Community Leader
sorry chief. every couple weeks we get someone new here selling something. your post lookd like like an advertisement, your post count is lower than my shoe size etc etc. i guess i jumped the gun.


anyway, sorry i jumped on you. kind of a knee jerk to salesman.

Already been there and done that...got the T-shirt to prove it. :p


Forum Crew Member
BTW, The basic reason behind low number of posts is that I'm new and in my first month of EMTB training.


Forum Lieutenant
locating items on truck

During my time as training officer I used the three slam method. Start out with a list of eveything on the truck take a newbie, call out items in random order, and have them show it to you with less than three doors being shut. If they cant find something they start over until they know what is where.Its cheap and takes only a little time. It also works for rescue, and fire trucks as well as ambulances. Its hard to beat hands on training if you want to do things right.