Google Glass and EMS


Forum Deputy Chief
I am still waiting for the Matrix uploading port into my brain. It will make learning much more efficent.


I know how to crack a chest.

Re google glasses, I wouldn't mind having a video of some patient encounters, like, say, for probational folks.


Community Leader Emeritus
Hopefully they could come up with internal vitals readers so you could look at a pt and get instant vitals or anything else you need. Plus if you hooked that into a life alert type system that anytime the bodies computer sensed something wrong with the body it could call 911

Yeah, that is just what we need. Lets start barging in on granny at 10pm because she got tachycardic only to find her reading a romance novel. :rolleyes:


Forum Asst. Chief
Yeah, that is just what we need. Lets start barging in on granny at 10pm because she got tachycardic only to find her reading a romance novel. :rolleyes:

lol I think it's a good idea but making it a monitored system, automatic response is a bad idea, plus it infringes on our rights. acces to see a persons vitals should be very limited, with permision/consent having to be given by the person and heavily monitored for abuse, better than narcotics i would hope.


Forum Lieutenant
lol I think it's a good idea but making it a monitored system, automatic response is a bad idea, plus it infringes on our rights. acces to see a persons vitals should be very limited, with permision/consent having to be given by the person and heavily monitored for abuse, better than narcotics i would hope.

Your right but for me, I wouldn't care if it alerted me to something potentially wrong or if I went into cardiac arrest it called 911 and kept track of downtime and other relevant information


Forum Captain
How soon before SkyNet becomes self aware?


Forum Probie
For those that have not heard of Google Glass it is a heads up display that takes voice commands. It is always online (via 3G or wifi) so it can retrieve anything that a regular device can. Most demos include "ok glass, record a video" and obviously that has nearly zero benefit to EMS.

But what if you could pick up a patients bottle of prescription meds and say "ok glass, what is Lamictal?" and it would display the info. "Ok Glass display vitals" and it would sync the bp, spo2, pulse, ETCO2 from the LP15. "ok Glass, pushing D50 now" and it would save that as an event either tagged in the LP15, or to a pcr system.

"ok glass, record narrative 'upon arrival we found a 66 year old male seated on the couch in no apparent distress....'" Speech to text then records that in your pcr.

Mass casualty triage as you are walking through a scene "ok glass, add two patients... add 1 patient..... add three patients"

"OK glass, order more BVMs" or just look at the barcode and a message is sent to your supply person to place the order

on the way back to quarters at 3 am "ok glass, where is the nearest chinese takeout that is still open?"

I'm not saying all this is doable (although I think it is). I have a feeling a lot of people will dismiss glass as a gimmick (and not just for ems). Don't. This is seriously a game changer. Initially, it will just be people recording and exchanging goofy videos. But it will mature and find truly productive applications. Including in EMS.

I have a strange feeling I read the exact same words on Reddit. Haha


Forum Knucklehead
What about officer safety? if every cop and emt had these, dispatch could see whats going on where their officers are and could dispatch units. If a cop gets in a fight and cant reach his radio, the dispatchers can see this and start sending units.

Never have to write a PCR ever again glass could just record the whole patient encounter and upload it to the hospital.



Forum Asst. Chief
What about officer safety? if every cop and emt had these, dispatch could see whats going on where their officers are and could dispatch units. If a cop gets in a fight and cant reach his radio, the dispatchers can see this and start sending units.

Never have to write a PCR ever again glass could just record the whole patient encounter and upload it to the hospital.


I don't think the recording could replace the EPCR it might however add to it. it'd be hard for an ER doctor to watch a 25 minute code for all the details instead of reading a half a page report.