FDNY EMS Candidates


Forum Lieutenant
Does your investigator have any say in whether or not you get selected or DQd or is it entirely up to the head investigator?

I ask because I've been through this process before and had a terrible experience with an investigator. She never even gave me the opportunity to update my paperwork, the intake was the only time her and I ever spoke. 3 classes came and went and I got a letter stating I was considered and not selected to three separate vacancies and therefore no longer eligible.

This time around has been a 180 degree turn. New investigator, prompt reply to emails, always answers phone, up front with me, allowed me to add documents to my folder as late as last week.

I'm not very optimistic but her demeanor kind of drew me back in, so I'm hoping she does have some sort of role in the decision making process.

Anyway, best of luck to you all whenever the calls begin.

Pm me


Forum Probie
I would like to know too
I know right...that's a pretty big bombshell to drop on a forum of candidates with their potential future career in the hands of these investigators, perhaps the same investigator that mishandled the paperwork, without elaborating...The phone lines will be tied up at metrotech with everyone on this forum calling to make sure they don't have the same investigator that centrals had (but who are we kidding, they don't answer their phones)


Forum Crew Member
I know right...that's a pretty big bombshell to drop on a forum of candidates with their potential future career in the hands of these investigators, perhaps the same investigator that mishandled the paperwork, without elaborating...The phone lines will be tied up at metrotech with everyone on this forum calling to make sure they don't have the same investigator that centrals had (but who are we kidding, they don't answer their phones)
lol seriously my investigator seemed pretty good with all my ****. I have a dwi on my driving record from when I was 23 now I'm 25 she understood that people make mistakes she said she seemed really ok with it. She's like I get it sometimes you have a couple of cocktails after a wedding and you drive home a little buzzed then get pulled over


Forum Crew Member
I'm fairly confident that your investigators job is exclusively to complete the background check portion of your file. Nothing more. An EMS officer will review the folders for appointment. It's their call.


Forum Captain
To those on exam 6003 do yourselves a favor and go back quite a few pages on this forum and you will have many answers to alot of what you are asking.
and you will see these questions have been asked a million times before lol.
your worse enemy is your guessing which is usually wrong until you hear from your investigators, No news is at times good news. If you are missing anything they will call you for it. if you have been DQed you will be notified and given the reason/reasons why.
a lot of the 5003 and 6003 guys still waiting that are quiet probably know the answers from reading here already ( hence the silence, they are just waiting).
Not everyone on the 5003 list is on this forum some don't even know it exist.
Remember your investigator is also the investigators for several hundred others as well, now ask yourself, would you want someone calling you every five minutes ( different people mind you, but with the same questions).
Just an FYI don't piss off your investigator, if you have a serious question, they have e mails try that way, with a pleasant, "I know you are busy, but if you can respond to my question, at your convenience, it would be appreciated"
Remember catch more fly's with sugar than with vinegar.
Again good luck to all.


Forum Crew Member
He couldn't have worded that any better. If you're a morning person. Do the t2 class (AM). If you're a night owl like myself. Do the PM Class. Pros and Cons are about the same. Minus the PT. You do that first thing. Then class..... As a recovery, invest in some whey protein and a decent size blender bottle..... Also I highly recommend picking up a pair of Air Max 2016s (or 2017s when they decide to drop). For the kind of running you do they are a decent shoe for even and uneven terrain. Lightweight yet durable.
And as he said also, those study groups are a HUGE help.
How many times ARE you allowed to be absent in the academy ?


Forum Captain
How many times ARE you allowed to be absent in the academy ?
You're not really allowed too unless an immediate family passes away and you have proper documentation for that. No one in my class missed a day they can accommodate a tour change if u needed it though, doing tour 2 instead of tour 3 and vice versa


Forum Captain
How many times ARE you allowed to be absent in the academy ?

With legitimate reasoning you are allowed to miss up to four sessions (2 days). However it is not recommended at all..... If you can't make your shift, you let your squad leader know or one of the DIs and they will make the accomodations for you to show up earlier. It's the same in regards to latenesses..... I've never missed a session, but showed up late once recently for something out of my control. (tire blew out while I was in my way to the academy)