Wilderness EMT cert questions

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Forum Ride Along
Hi everybody,

I'm a total newbie here, so I'll probably monkey up the jargon...
I also double-posted, to this forum and to Wilderness EMT, as it seemed to apply to both. If this is bad form please let me know and I'll take one down right away!

A little background - I'm 24, fit, in college part-time, and trying to find a certification of some sort that will help me get through the next 2-5 years while I 'get my career on.' If it could be something that adds to whatever I eventually end up 'doing', all the better! I've considered Commerc. Driver's Lic, SCUBA instructor, urban EMT, some sort of NOLS cert, professional assassin (joke! joke!), etc. But most of them sound boring, anti-social, overly time-consuming, and/or soul-numbing (driving truck).

A friend mentioned RMI's WEMT/MPIC as being a very good pathway to expedition/outdoors(SAR, wildland firefighting, oilrig, etc.) employment. I have done SAR, love the outdoors (work in forestry), and have always been interested in doing first responder work, so it sounds great. From what she said there are temporary jobs that I could take and supplement with part-time UrbanEMT work.
Since I am also very interested in working with NOLS or other wilderness programs as an instructor/guide, the work like that also sounds like it could be a good stepping-stone.

I am trying to get an idea of...
What kinds of jobs (both temp/seasonal and long-term) are actually out there - she said they were readily available to those with flexible schedules -
Whether they pay enough to justify a relatively expensive course, and
Whether most of them require additional training (Underwater Helicopter Escape Training, Paramedic Cert, Basic Offshore Survival Training, random agency-specific governmental certs, etc.) - which sounds interesting, but which I couldn't pony for right off the bat.
All of these questions apply equally to the USCG MPIC Cert.

I enjoy working with people and tactical-type situations, but have never been the military type, so from my friend and the looks of the RMI website this sounds great, but I'm trying to get a picture of what it's really like.

Thanks for your time everybody!
Tom (TomTheDancingHobo)
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