the 100% directionless thread


Forum Deputy Chief
Think about years between services. Seriously, they DO NOT CARE about your well being. They ONLY care about saving money. An attorney will force them to provide care in a timely matter and fight for you.

You have the right to copies of ALL tests and findings.

If it hurts, don’t walk on it. Did you go to a Doc in the box and is that the treating MD?


Emergency Medical Texan
Think about years between services. Seriously, they DO NOT CARE about your well being. They ONLY care about saving money. An attorney will force them to provide care in a timely matter and fight for you.

You have the right to copies of ALL tests and findings.

If it hurts, don’t walk on it. Did you go to a Doc in the box and is that the treating MD?

It doesn't really hurt, the crutches and boot were more cumbersome and the boot was a big weight on my foot that pulled more and more each day it seems. I'm cleared by the dr to walk without crutches or the boot and to drive. My range of motion is a little limited or strained, but it really only hurts when I'm putting my tighter fitting work boots on or off or when the dr who is not treating me went all "Does this hurt?" and then manipulated my foot painfully while he said dr mumbo jumbo at record speed to his scribe.

But they said I really did a number on it, so they'd rather me see the guy who only does foot/ankle issues because he could do a good job. But they didn't even want to entertain the idea of me not having surgery, back to something about my Talus.

I'm kinda worried about a surgery though. I only get 4 months of light duty, and then I'm at home with no pay. I can't afford to not work. I'm already not getting OT and can't get bonuses and I've missed out on holiday pay and will again. I really hoped the MRI and new X rays would show that it will heal on it's own and in a week or so (I know, I'm dumb, I just wanted good news) I'd be back to being on a truck by Christmas. I'd rather be there than worry about family issues or (obviously), money issues.

This really sucks and I feel like I failed everyone.


Forum Deputy Chief
You didn’t fail ANYONE. You only fail if you don’t take care of YOURSELF.


Emergency Medical Texan
You didn’t fail ANYONE. You only fail if you don’t take care of YOURSELF.

Yeah, but I wasn't careful and I didn't think things through enough. I had the data, it just didn't compute (that it was a bad idea to try to lift someone so heavy).

I mean, I was not taught or told the mandatory 2 person lift we're supposed to have. And I heard my FTO almost lost his position (heresay, who knows). But he's not a babysitter, right? I'm an adult accountable for my actions. I dropped a pt and lucky the gurney didn't tip.

How can I not feel stupid, even if I didn't get hovered over by my FTO?


Forum Deputy Chief
You are in the Rookie self blame mode. Get out of it. Your “FTO” ( how I HATE that title), screwed up in training you.


Californian, Lost in Texas
All moved up!


Emergency Medical Texan
You are in the Rookie self blame mode. Get out of it. Your “FTO” ( how I HATE that title), screwed up in training you.

I've just had a lot of time to mull things over and you can't think that I wasn't being dumb, even if my FTO watched it happen.

The bruises that won't heal and haven't changed. My limp. The effort of putting on my boot. Every paper I go through on light duty. Looking at my watch knowing my crew would be EOSing right about then. It's just a big reminder and I'd be lying if I said it wasn't getting to me.


Forum Deputy Chief
113 have YEARS to work, unless you keep messing up your foot. Better to learn to handle this stuff now, then later.

Your “FTO” is a jackass and should be sued for failure to train resulting in an injury.


Emergency Medical Texan
83 have YEARS to work, unless you keep messing up your foot. Better to learn to handle this stuff now, then later.

Your “FTO” is a jackass and should be sued for failure to train resulting in an injury.

Yeah, I'm going to get out there ASAP. I'm young, I'm in mostly good health prior to the accident, I should heal. I'm not worried about scars or anything from surgery. But I've never had surgery before and that's kind of scaring me. What if I get staph from them not cleaning instruments properly, or what if it doesn't heal right and it's worse. What if I need several surgeries? Don't some people straight up die in minor surgeries?

I really don't want surgery. But the PA made it seem like if I didn't want issues down the road, I'd need it.

I'm going to get it though. I just keep overthinking everything. I just need to take a breath and calm myself down. What's most concerning is the recovery time of 6-8 weeks after surgery. It feels like I'm resetting my progress. Like I won't be able to drive again or do anything.

The dr said usually breaking this part of your bone doesn't need surgery but said something about how it's pushed in or something and it needs surgery.


The Other Guy/ Paramaybe?
Yeah, but I wasn't careful and I didn't think things through enough. I had the data, it just didn't compute (that it was a bad idea to try to lift someone so heavy).

I mean, I was not taught or told the mandatory 2 person lift we're supposed to have. And I heard my FTO almost lost his position (heresay, who knows). But he's not a babysitter, right? I'm an adult accountable for my actions. I dropped a pt and lucky the gurney didn't tip.

How can I not feel stupid, even if I didn't get hovered over by my FTO?

I don't mean to be THAT guy and I don't mean to be the stereotypical "old salty vet" but it happened... get over it and move on...


The Other Guy/ Paramaybe?
I mean, you're right. Cause.. if you can't tell, I'll stir on things forever.

Yeah... you need to drop that habit like 3rd period algebra cause you won't last long in this business.


The Other Guy/ Paramaybe?
Okay. So how do you get over it? How do you get over things?

Put it behind you and move on

Edit: this is coming from a guy whose lost mentors, friends, had his *** chewed, made mistakes, and been hurt. Learn from your mistakes, don't do it again, and press forward.


Emergency Medical Texan
Put it behind you and move on

Yeah but with like IKEA directions. Because I'm sure y'all have seen me stress vomit words onto this thread before. I do not understand how one simply doesn't care anymore without becoming globally apathetic.

Edit: Not saying you are, but I feel like I would be n


Family Guy
Yeah... you need to drop that habit like 3rd period algebra cause you won't last long in this business.
I mean you’re hardly old, salty, or a vet😄...

But, I pick up what you’re putting down.

@DragonClaw, get thicker skin. Also, maybe create your own thread so we can offer suggestions as needed. Something I believe @CALEMT already eluded to. BOL.

Also, The Green Book- excellent movie.


The Other Guy/ Paramaybe?


Family Guy
this is coming from a guy whose lost mentors, friends, had his *** chewed, made mistakes, and been hurt. Learn from your mistakes, don't do it again, and press forward.
This. This is called growth. We’ve all gone through this. Welcome to adulthood.

All of it is invaluable, again, often in hindsight. Lead ‘em to water, you can’t force’ em to drink it.


Emergency Medical Texan
Okay, new topic.

I've been cooking about 85% of my meals and homemade is so much better. Anyone have any recipes they love?

Hosin sauce and rice is a new favorite. Pineapple in quesadillas is actually pretty good.