Psych Transfers


I put the M in EMTLife
Community Leader
Every shift we get one or two pysch transfers. I'm wondering if you FF/EMS guys ever get those. They're my personal favorite, requiring almost no "work". Usually they just sit in back jump seat, and I sit on the bench. We buckle them in, and transport.

I've had one or two in restraints, but even those are easy. It's even easier if they're loaded with Haldol or ativan prior to transport.

You know you work for a private company when you aren't surprised when a patient says "Be careful of the the mouse next to you," and you respond "Of course, I would never hurt him."

Now it seems the big thing for teens to do is "cut" or "carve". They litearlly cut themselves, and many carve things into their arms. I never thought I'd say it, but I think this is the new fad. Most say it's a way of releasing stress, but I dont remember it being big when I was in high school.

'o the joys of working in private EMS.


Forum Vice-Principal
Community Leader
Originally posted by MMiz@Jul 5 2004, 10:39 AM
It's even easier if they're loaded with Haldol or ativan prior to transport.

You know you work for a private company when you aren't surprised when a patient says "Be careful of the the mouse next to you," and you respond "Of course, I would never hurt him."
Don't you just love Vitamin H? :D

I used to work security in a hospital, and we were frequently called to assist the ER or pysch unit with their patients. My favorites were the ones that were hallucinating, cause we'd (security) would play along with their delusions. I can remember doing things like talking to imaginary people in the corner, or staring intently at the arm of somebody until they asked what I was looking at, at which point I'd reply, "That big spider crawling up your arm." (I know, it wasn't nice to play with them like that, but after the twentieth time in a month of seeing the same person for the same complaint, you get bored.)


Community Leader Emeritus
I don't do transfers - both of my departments are emergency only... psych patients worry me. I've had some who have been perfect angels - one guy was suicidal but called 911 instead of taking the pills - he held my hand and cried to me the whole way in the hospital. All I could do was psych first aid. Then I've had others who have been very looney and then you have to worry that they're going to snap and come after you - and I have had others that HAVE come after me. I always take at least 1 big firefighter or cop along for the ride. :D Then I can transport the patient, and have something nice to look at! ;)

A friend had a woman covered in "pink fuzzy bunnies"... he spent 20 minutes enroute "dusting them off" of her.


Forum Lieutenant
Jeez guys, i'm jealous... we dont get many psych transfers out in the middle of the corn fields. You're having all the fun! :lol:


Forum Vice-Principal
Community Leader
Originally posted by cbdemt@Jul 5 2004, 12:53 PM
Jeez guys, i'm jealous... we dont get many psych transfers out in the middle of the corn fields. You're having all the fun! :lol:
Where you from?


Forum Lieutenant
Central IL, I volunteer in a farming town of about 600. We have a section of interstate in our district, which gives us most of our calls.


Forum Vice-Principal
Community Leader
Originally posted by cbdemt@Jul 5 2004, 01:03 PM
Central IL, I volunteer in a farming town of about 600. We have a section of interstate in our district, which gives us most of our calls.
I kinda figured you were from somewhere in the midwest (the cornfields). I'm originally from IA, which is where I was working security at the hospital.


Forum Safety Officer
Not transfers, but we do get psych calls from time to time. Usually suicidal calls with a drug OD involved. Generally we have PD ride in with us in case the patient gets violent.


Forum Probie
"Every shift we get one or two pysch transfers. I'm wondering if you FF/EMS guys ever get those. They're my personal favorite, requiring almost no "work". Usually they just sit in back jump seat, and I sit on the bench. We buckle them in, and transport."

-wow. I work in MA, and as far as transfers go, almost every psych facility requires pts to be on the cot when you arrive, regardless of whether they are violent or not. As far as 911 psych calls, the local PD is pretty good about having an officer ride with you if the pt is out of control or violent.


Forum Crew Member
I dread psych calls. I am 40 minutes from the nearest psych. facility and that is a long way to go with a violent 240 lb man who is almost busting the straps holding him down while threatening to rip you apart.


Community Leader Emeritus
Originally posted by lastcode@Jul 14 2004, 12:37 AM
I dread psych calls. I am 40 minutes from the nearest psych. facility and that is a long way to go with a violent 240 lb man who is almost busting the straps holding him down while threatening to rip you apart.
You can't take them to the hospital? We transport to the nearest hospital, even though the State psych facility is 1hr away. The hospital stabilizes the patient then they get transferred to the State hospital either by ambulance or by PD.


I put the M in EMTLife
Community Leader
If we're called by police or by any authority, we always take our psychs to the local hospital, even if they don't have a psych facility.

Then we'll often get called back to take the patient to a psych facility. Don't forget to check the petition and cert twice, never in my life have I seen people so anal about two pieces of documentation.