
  1. J

    Post Incident Response, an Organizational Approach

    Hello all, My name is John and I am looking for advice, input or general suggestions concerning a project myself and a colleague are currently trying to get off of the ground at our service. I apologize in advance if this initial post is a little wordy, but I want to provide as much background...
  2. A

    Code Green Campaign Finances

    I recently lost a family member to a long run-out illness, and she was thoughtful enough to leave behind a small amount of money with the stipulation that I donate a certain amount of it to a charity of my choosing. After having been on the trucks for a little over a year now and having...
  3. T

    Left EMS for my mental health, anyone else?

    I've worked as an EMT on a 24 hour truck for the last year and half. From what I've been told it has been a very eventful year and a half in terms of the bad calls. I worked at a pretty remote station, but lack of coverage required us to the be pretty busy the whole shift. 23 to 28 hours...
  4. T

    PTSD and Paramedic Research

    Dear Users, I am currently a PhD student researching trauma and PTSD in paramedics, and ways in which we can use prior psychological training to help reduce this beforehand rather than trying to catch up afterwards with traditional therapy. The title of the study is “Self-taught cognitive...