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  1. P

    Equipment Help

    Pocket Masks Though a great item to have at times, and they are strongly encouraged in any CPR class I have ever taken, I highly doubt you will ever use one while working on an EMS response. I have carried one for as long as I can remember and only ever used one while working on an ambulance...
  2. P

    What are my chances with this injury?

    Rsd First, I must say I am pleasantly suprised to hear that someone here actually knows what RSD is. I have encountered many EMT's, Medics, and even physicians who are not familiar with this illness. Secondly if this particular person you saw was actually working with it at the level of...
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    What are my chances with this injury?

    Thanks CAOX3 -- I was thinking the exact same thing but wasn't going to say anything figuring I was simply "mis-reading" what he wrote - though not quite sure how I could - LOL
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    I personally feel the "uniform" style shirt with the epaulets is much more professional looking. I know of a large local service that allows their employees to wear polos, and I just don't think it is near as professional. The polo is way too casual, and a T-shirt would be even moreso. I...
  5. P

    Equipment Help

    Just the Basics Leaving out the good suggestions for good pants and boots and sticking strictly to equipment. A decent / good stethoscope is a must, though not necessarily for day one. Pens (yes more than one), penlight if you want, trauma shears. Beyond that the EMT Field Guide is also a...
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    First day on the job

    All the above tips are quite valid... Remember - your safety comes first! Never get complacent and let your guard down - that's when "the worst case" will happen
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    Paramedic schooling while working full-time - Dallas

    Online Paramedic Schools Thanks for the links! I will look at them this morning. Most everytime I do a google search for this topic i get a bunch of links to schools that don't even offer any kind of EMS program whatsoever. I normally have great results using google, but am striking out on...
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    Paramedic schooling while working full-time - Dallas

    medic417 - thanks - will look into that one as well. It's a shame there isn't one repository of info for schools, as it seems so far the only programs I have found are in TX which is a bit far for me. Or should I say if there is a repository of info like that I have yet to find it.
  9. P

    Paramedic schooling while working full-time - Dallas

    I have searched regarding online EMT-P schools and have reviewed the links you have provided for the two TX schools - which were very informative. I am curious if anyone knows of any schools besides these two? Thanks in advance!
  10. P

    Online/self-paced training vs. traditional classroom training hiring infromation

    Phoenix, Just found this thread and found it intriguing as to the subject of online education for EMS providers. I don't see a post as to how things worked out for you using this method of learning so figured I would write to see how this worked out for you.