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  1. leeksoldier

    Transporting pts ER to ER

    Try hearing it in person. Irritating!
  2. leeksoldier

    Transporting pts ER to ER

    How about if a patient says "this ER didn't give me what I want, take me to another"...
  3. leeksoldier

    Transporting pts ER to ER

    Thank you all so much for the replies. I was feeling uncomfortable about it.
  4. leeksoldier

    Transporting pts ER to ER

    Hello all, I have looked this up and can't find anything on Google or emtlife. My question is, in Texas, or anywhere, is it legal to transport a patient from one ER to another? Obviously I'm talking about a transport service. Thank you for your time.
  5. leeksoldier

    State Certification Status

    Thank you. I will call them today to make sure, so I can get that out of the way. I'm glad I read this thread!
  6. leeksoldier

    State Certification Status

    Well that was fast Lofton! I sent mine in September 11th, but did not get any fingerprints done. Mine is for paramedic, so I wonder if I need to get some done...
  7. leeksoldier

    Guardian EMS Dallas/Houston

    Can I come in and apply? I don't see a Houston section on your website.
  8. leeksoldier

    Guardian EMS Dallas/Houston

    Where is your office in Houston?
  9. leeksoldier

    Need help with Airway Management

    Thanks! That helps. The whole chapter, was just confusing for me. I'm pretty sure it was because I was a little overwhelmed at first, but I've fixed that problem, so I'll reread the chapter and hopefully do better this time. I just wanted something that would help me understand a bit better, or...
  10. leeksoldier

    Need help with Airway Management

    Like, the differences between what masks to use and what not. Do you have any tips? For some reason, this chapter just isn't clicking.
  11. leeksoldier

    Are you a paramedic? I have a few questions for you, if you don't mind.

    Well...I'm going to a community college right now for my basics. I have seen signs advertising "Become an EMT in X amount of months!" but, I chose to go through it with my community college. I am still taking my first two classes, not related to being an EMT. But I am wondering...should I just...
  12. leeksoldier

    Are you a paramedic? I have a few questions for you, if you don't mind.

    Thank you, so much everyone! These replys have all beeen so helpful!
  13. leeksoldier

    Are you a paramedic? I have a few questions for you, if you don't mind.

    Hi, I have a careers project due on the 15th. Part of that project is to interview a person in the career field I am interested in. So, if there is a paramedic out there, willing to take a few minutes to fill out this section of questions, it would be very much appreciated. Or...if there is...
  14. leeksoldier

    place where all accidents are recorded?

    I have no idea where the car went. I was a passenger. That was only the second time I ever met the driver, or saw the driver. It was in September of 2006.
  15. leeksoldier

    place where all accidents are recorded?

    Thanks for replying. :) I have looked at all the local news paper websites. No luck... I'm just trying to get a look at how bad a car accident was, that I was in. I have no recollection of it, and never did get to see how the car looked afterwards.
  16. leeksoldier

    place where all accidents are recorded?

    Excuse me, if this is a dumb question. But I've exhauseted all other methods of finding out. Is their a place or site that records all car accidents? Or does anybody know of a way that I might be able to find out some information or pictures of a certain car accident? I'm looking for one...
  17. leeksoldier

    Degree or Certificate?

    Thank you very much, everybody. You are talking to one of Texas' future paramadics! :)
  18. leeksoldier

    Degree or Certificate?

    I am paying out of my own pocket. So, is it better to just go straight for the degree, or get the certification first, then degree? Any other recomendations? I plan on living and working in Houston, TX for good.
  19. leeksoldier

    Degree or Certificate?

    Hi, I am about to start college and I would like to be a paramedic some day. I am so incredibly new to this and would like some advice. What I was thinking of doing was getting my certificate and start working, getting experience, and then going back to school to get my degree. Is that a good...