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  1. DaniGrrl

    Time sucks

    So, I'm totally bored today. Someone shared the new sushi cat with me: and my oldest daughter shared this one: So, anyone have time sucks to inflict?
  2. DaniGrrl

    Public Safety Alliance?

    I just read about this morning. It makes perfect sense to me, but as a total outsider to the system, I'm wondering what you guys think and if anyone here is active in trying to help this happen?
  3. DaniGrrl

    Happy Emergency Medical Services week!

    When I was working this morning I saw the Presidential proclamation naming this EMS week. So... Happy happy joy joy to you ;)
  4. DaniGrrl


    Can anyone recommend any of the following: gear for my car pants boots belts books classes certification vs degree knives guns stethoscopes lights for my car I really need help. I kid, I kid. :ph34r: