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  1. S

    Super Size Me: The EMS Diet

    Oh man my vice is taco bell. So many taco bells around my AO. Gained 10 lbs from taco only diet, so now I try and either buy non processed foods or just starve. Its surprising how well bubble gum holds hunger over.
  2. S

    How much schooling do you have?

    1 Chem class short of an AS
  3. S

    standard interview questions

    just finished an interview with a company. like people said above, skills, NREMT-like test, oral interview. this particular company had me do a map test, gave me an arbitrary address and to give directions to the nearest hospital. they gave us a map book, the ones where the map is arranged in...
  4. S

    Post the # your test stopped at, and if you Passed/Failed

    hey aprz, what training program did you go through? i went through SJCC and like 3 of the instructors were working at great america.
  5. S

    Post the # your test stopped at, and if you Passed/Failed

    121 questions, passed. had me pretty nervous gotta admit.