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  1. S

    Maintaining knowledge/skills with a low run volume

    I have thought about looking for a different place to volunteer or even work part time somewhere else but the thing holding me back is that I'm actively looking for a carreer FF position and I'm afraid that leaving a volunteer department after less than a year of service would make me look...
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    Maintaining knowledge/skills with a low run volume

    I got my EMT-B & NREMT last year and have spent 9 months with a low volume VFD, working 12p to 12a every 5th night. So far it's been nearly all medic assist (vitals, 12 lead & occasionally an IV setup). Only twice in those 9 months has a medic backed off a call and declared it BLS, both those...
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    So I started my EMT course a while back... Will be finishing in early August. Have been doing tons of training to get competitive for fire service plus all the work formy course. Last week I was acceppted as a volunteer FF/EMT with a local combo vol/full time department. Still have plenty...
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    EMT-B Class question

    I'll agree w/ everyone else here. I wish I had more practice with vitals before hopping in the rig. My first shift I took vitals on 5 patients. 3 I nailed and 2 I couldn't get pulse/BP. It was frustrating. Again, don't make it up, just asking someone else to get it. It's a different ball...
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    First EMT Clinicals

    My class started on 05/17 and we got the go ahead to start clinicals last monday. I'm not sure there's a real set number of weeks or days till you can begin your clinicals & field time. The further along you get in the course the more skills you'll have... In my program I was working out...
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    First EMT Clinicals

    Just started my EMT clinicals this past weekend and loved it. Had a busy first day with 6 runs in 12hrs. The next day I came back to only 2 runs in 12 hrs but my preceptor was good about running some scenarios, etc. on the down time. Really loved it and learned a LOT. I think the biggest...
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    The Hobet made me feel icky...

    Well, at least we see straight on all this medic. Thanks for a less agressive post. First week of class so I'm excited & edgy, I let myself get bothered and and shot off some. Last thing I'll try to be straight on (can't totally let my ego go) I didn't fail the test, haven't even got my...
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    The Hobet made me feel icky...

    Seems like the food chain can be a pretty big focus in EMS/Healthcare. I was reading on another forum that even anesthesiologists with 12+ years of schooling get snubbed pretty reguarly by surgeons in some places.
  9. S

    The Hobet made me feel icky...

    Yeah, I know you two are right on this one. Arguing on the internet is goofy and I let medic rub me the wrong way because this is the 2nd thread in my short history with this forum that he's come around barking at me. So far all the local medics, emts, fire fighters & employers I've been...
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    The Hobet made me feel icky...

    Medic, look, I get that you feel it's your place here to weed folks out. You assigin yourself a title like Resident Curmudgeon for a reason of course, you've got an image to uphold that you're proud of and I'm certainly not your peer, I get that. The first time I posted on this board was to...
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    The Hobet made me feel icky...

    Linuss is right though... there is something pretty creepy about hobbits. Just don't look at the feet.
  12. S

    The Hobet made me feel icky...

    Medic, I don't mean to be argumentative but I think the boat has been missed. the Hobet is not used for entrance to this EMT course (St. Vincent), nor is it used to evaluate students already in the course. This was a pilot session for a new web based version, like I mentioned in my first...
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    The Hobet made me feel icky...

    you know I've read in other threads that the hobet (google it) is extremely easy. Some of the reading comprehension, basic math etc, is easy but some of the test I took, particuarly science, was tricky for someone who has not recently read or studied bio/chem. I had no problems reading a...
  14. S

    The Hobet made me feel icky...

    So I'm in the first week of my EMT-B course... Anyone else here in my class at St Vincent? Took the Hobet last night which was a complete surprise. We were essentially piloting this web based test, it was not a full blown live test. I've got to say that it made me feel like a dunce. I...
  15. S

    Fire suppression on top of EMT-B course??

    Oh, sure, I know that I may have to do more training if I get hired on as a firefighter but I'm planning to get my FFI&II, EMT & Paramedic certs while I'm looking for and applying to fire departments. From what I've read it's incredibly competitive and I'm assuming I'll probably need all...
  16. S

    Fire suppression on top of EMT-B course??

    The EMT course I'm doing is not accelerated, it's a regular four month program. I tend to retain things fairly well and have passed all my CPR & FEMA/Hazmat/ICS courses on the first try but want to be smart about all this. As for the fire pre-req course I'm not sure what to do... There's...
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    Fire suppression on top of EMT-B course??

    Part of me wondered about this pre-req for FFI&II but the chair of the public saftey department tells me that it's required for anyone with no fire experience. FYI, this course is offered by Ivy Tech in Indianapolis, IN if that helps anyone. So, unless I find my courses elsewhere I need to...
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    Fire suppression on top of EMT-B course??

    Hey there folks, I'm registered for an EMT-B course that begins next week at my local hospital. This course meets Mon, Tue & Thurs, four hours each night (12hrs per week) and the orientation sheet recommends 4-6 hours a week of study outside of class. Just last week I learned about a...
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    EMS - networking in central Indiana?

    Well, Steve, I may regret the move to EMS work someday but I'm going with my gut for now. I can always stop before I take a job and can always go back to sales if it's not for me. I'll try to do some volunteer work if I can find it but I'm going to keep trucking forward. Big news today...
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    EMS - networking in central Indiana?

    I hear you Steve, I know I'm about to cut my income in half (or more) and add stress to my life. I also think I'm going to add something worthwhile, meaningful & challenging. For the last few years sales has just felt like moving money around to me. I'm at the point where I genuinely don't...