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  1. B

    Just fniished EMTB exam

    Hey Linuss ty much for the info, I really appreciate it... gonna look into AMR first and go from there. Also, I didn't do my Basic at TCC, but I am considering doing my paramedic there in the fall. Haven't quite decided between MDMC, which i'm used to, or TCC which is closer to home.
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    Post the # your test stopped at, and if you Passed/Failed

    OK that's strange, your post above mine said "TCC?" when I first read it.. but when I made my post and hit refresh it says "Congrats." So I guess disregard that bit I typed about my schooling lol. Any advice you have career-wise would be greatly appreciated though.
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    Post the # your test stopped at, and if you Passed/Failed

    TCC? Nah I was trained at Methodist in Dallas (If that's what the TCC was referring to). I plan on going back there in the fall to take my paramedic training.. I hear it's one of the best in the state, and from what I learned in the Basic course, I believe it. BTW Linuss, I see you're...
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    Post the # your test stopped at, and if you Passed/Failed

    Just found out I passed this morning, test shut off at 65 questions after about 30 min. I was so nervous having to wait the entire weekend to get my results XD
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    Just fniished EMTB exam

    Got my results this morning , passed!
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    Just fniished EMTB exam

    Ah, I apologize.. I don't see any way to contact a mod, maybe I'm blind.. hopefully someone will come along and delete this.
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    Just fniished EMTB exam

    That's what I figured. That test really made me want to second guess I lot of my answers as I was clicking along. For the most part I didn't go back and change anything, just went with my gut and what I learned from the book and the instructors. Guess I'll find out how I did tomorrow.
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    Just fniished EMTB exam

    Just finished my exam.. shut off at 65 questions, there's one question I've been obsessing over for the whole ride home from the testing center: IF a nursing home presents you with a valid DNR order while supplying oxygen to a PT in respiratory distress, you would continue to assist her...
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    NREMT Score

    The first time I took my EMTB exam, I was scheduled to start at 5:30 PM. I had my results when I got up in the morning to check my email at 8:00 AM, so yeah, they get back to you really fast. I wouldn't be surprised if you got your results the same day that you took the test considering how...
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    First most important question to ask

    Thanks for all the feedback everyone, Firetender I'm inclined to agree that asking what's wrong right now is the most important thing, especially since it establishes the PT's chief complaint. Asking about meds might be a good start also, but could also send you in the wrong direction in the...
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    First most important question to ask

    Can't find a definitive answer online or in my text for this one, so I'm hoping maybe someone can help me out... What is the single most important question to ask in the SAMPLE history? I say it would be signs and symptoms, a classmate says past medical history. We've been going round and...
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    Prepbooks for NREMT-B

    I'm taking the test on Friday myself... as far as the books you mentioned go, I can tell you for sure not to buy the Kaplan book. A friend of mine bought it to help prepare, and we were both amazed at how much material it does not cover, and the practice exams are very very simple. Nothing...
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    Hey all, I've been reading this site for the past couple weeks and I like it a lot, not sure if this is the right place to do an introduction but I'll post here anyways. I finished EMT-B school a little while back and will be taking my 3rd attempt at passing NREMT on Friday. I've gotten...