Search results

  1. Alaska Dustoff

    Zofran (ondansetron)

    Individual Drug Reactions For Java Junkie: As with any medication there can be sensitivities. You may have found yours. You also may have had nausea already, which is a point for phenergan rather than zofran. It's still a great drug for the pre-nausea, pre-vomiting patient. At least folks don't...
  2. Alaska Dustoff

    Zofran (ondansetron)

    Zofran My flight service uses both Zofran & Phenergan. We got a good read from the pharmacy on uses: 1. If they aren't puking yet, Zofran has its greatest effect. 2. Already puking, Phenergan is better. Drug rep for Zofran even says it's less effective once puking starts. So that's how...