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  1. E

    General impression

    I agree that active life threatening bleeding needs to be addressed immediately. A and B won't be of much benefit if there is no blood left to oxygenate. For testing purposes, however, your best answer would be to direct your partner to control the bleeding as you assess airway. NREMT...
  2. E

    OK.....I just passed my NREMT practical!!!!

    Congratulations. Having been a procotor and site coordinator I can tell you it isn't easy on the other side as well. Trying NOT to show any emotion when a student is testing can be a real challenge. Good luck to you.
  3. E

    Medic Cert to Medic Degree

    Unfortunately medic mills (not all private/tech schools are bad, but a few hurt the reputations of the rest) and a lack of a national standard for training and testing will be with us for some Florida and long as it is profitable and our profession continues to speak with...