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    EMS Dept Websites

    Perhaps not the right forum (feel free to move)... Looking for examples of websites for EMS/FDs you think are great. Nicely designed, structured, etc... planning ideas for a site redesign for my department. Any suggestions appreciated!
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    EMT-P Practical Program

    I am trying to help a friend who is an Italian paramedic and doing some job research. Does anyone have a link to a typical "program guide" to the practical elements of an EMT-P program (i.e. rough hours, rotations, expected activities) I could point him to?
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    Sad reminder of the stresses of the job

    Many of you in Western Washington will have heard of this, an Olympia-area assistant chief committing suicide whilst on duty last weekend. Whatever you may think of CISD, and without exploring what other contributing factors may have...
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    Drug administration - asystole, occasional VF/PEA

    Please note: this is for the purposes of writing up a report on a PT contact during my ED rotation where I did not have access to the full MIR from incoming ALS unit. As such, I'm only looking for "possible" answers, and not looking to set off a debate! PT is 84YO M, in full arrest. Upon...
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    EMT-B training

    I had my first practical class with Thurston County today, in Washington. I have to give "mad props". A bunch of (mostly) paramedics and battalion chiefs from the county, who are, amongst other things, willing to take emetics and vomit on their class, subject themselves to the most awkward of...
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    Progressive EMT

    This isn't so much about 'education and training' but rather implementation. And, I hasten to note, not at all an attempt to bring out egos or a flame fest. In people's opinion, what are some of the most "progressive" areas of the country in terms of EMS implementation? In terms of things...
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    Rising standards, or common - paramedic school

    I've read a lot here, and myself felt, a lot of derision at some of the standards offered by private and other schools for EMT-B, and EMT-P. I wanted to list what's known around my area as the 'best' of local schools to get EMT-P training, and what their reqs are, and get a feel for how...
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    Shockable Rhythms

    I'm jumping the gun a little (I prefer to call it 'being prepared'), but I had a question that came up following doing the AHA CPR course last weekend (our dept actually uses it as a pre-req for EMT-B training, which the county does in-house, using results from the practical and written to...