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  1. J

    Advice for a new EMT looking for work.

    I was hoping the EMS to be supplimental to the loans. It would be a lot better than the theatre job currently held.
  2. J

    The Official EMTLIFE Introduction Thread

    Hey all, My name is Johan and I am an intermediate looking to become a medic. I got into EMS as means to fund my med school and to get better experience in the field and know what to expect from medics and pts as they come into the ER, where I'll hopefully be the MD on the receiving side...
  3. J

    Advice for a new EMT looking for work.

    Hi. I'm an EMT-I that's nationally certified and completed school about seven months ago. I have a pre-medicine degree and planned on becoming a paramedic to help fund med school. All of my education was in GA and I intended to get a job there and finish college there until 14 firehouses were...