Search results

  1. Scriptor

    Cert or Degree?

    Any paramedics out there, i'm looking at schools for a paramedic program. I am wondering if it is worth it to go for the extra months for the degree or to just deal with the certificate program? I already have an associates degree in liberal arts and sciences, but I really want to get the BA...
  2. Scriptor


    What is DOT's influence over EMS other than we are a branch off of them? Do they have any governing powers? Reason I ask is that there's a woman I work with who is newer to the world of EMS than I am, and thinks that she is everyone's boss. She even tries to correct the guys who have been...
  3. Scriptor


    I was wondering where I can get very specific answers for very specific questions about CC/DNR orders. There are probably plenty of Q and A on this site, but to be completely honest I didn't bother searching because I've been searching everywhere else all night. Let me know, thanks!
  4. Scriptor

    Scene Safety

    I've asked several people about this (my EMT instructor, fellow EMT's) and they all seem to think it's beyond our job description. But for the sake of scene safety, if there is a firearm laying out (safely out of any PT or bystander's reach) wouldn't it be wise for a knowledgable EMT (or first...
  5. Scriptor


    Have many of you read up on the new MyClyns dissinfectant spray? I just bought a couple and was wondering if anyone has seen or heard anything about them? Sounds like a good plan B if, for some reason, PPE fails you in the field. They are a bit pricey, but I think when it comes to preventing...
  6. Scriptor

    Any advice for the newbie?

    Can anyone offer any advice as I attempt the written state exam this coming Thursday? I'm not real nervous, I did fine during the course on all my written exams. not top of the class, but fine enough. My practicals were all 100% though. Very excited to get into the real world with this.
  7. Scriptor

    Changing Standing orders

    This is some what of a question. How does one go about changing some of the standing orders given to the EMT-B, I and P? My case is this: For diabetic emergencies, we are told that if the patient is awake and able, that we should provide oral glucose, using a tongue depressor to spread the...
  8. Scriptor


    Hey everyone. I'm not even an EMT yet, I still have the written exam to take sometime next month hopefully. However, I'm wondering where I can find some supplies that seem to be most helpful, but hardest to locate. I'm looking for cravats mostly, to add to my personal trauma kit. If there's...