Search results

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    Lost of consciousness = aox3?

    If someone hits their head and loses consciousness, but is now awake and oriented, are they aox3, losing one point for not remembering the event? What gcs would they then be?
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    Pain management

    Hypothetical: Drive by, pt flags you down, 30-70 yrold states 10/10 sudden onset leg pain, throbbing, constant, non radiating non traumatic. Appears in no distress. Vitals stable, hx irrelevent. Wants to go to hospital, en route says he wants morphine. Same person flags you down everyday for...
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    BVM'ing Yourself

    Anyone done it? Diaphram works all day, thought maybe it could use some rest....
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    Billing and 911

    San Francisco, California. Patient requests for an ambulance via 911, Engine and Private company arrives. Walks down stairs and into ambulance, gets blood pressure, blood glucose, and 4 lead. Patient feels significantly better, and signs an 'against medical advice', and walks back home. No...
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    City College of San Francisco Paramedic EXAM

    HI! Testing for the CCSF Paramedic entrance exam late october. Briefly went over nremt material. Pretty knowledged and and confident for upcoming test. Are there any special subjects/curveballs that I should study in preparation for this test? Thank You! Alas
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    Cpr -_-

    Few questions on CPR that I can't seem to find anywhere on the net and forgot to ask my instructor: The AHA 2010 CPR video in which i was trained, shows rescuer 1 who is performing compressions stop while rescuer 2 gives 2 ventilations, and rescuer 1 resumes 30 compressions. I've...
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    Online Recertification

    Are they valid? According to these sites, they are valid in California: My county card exps end of Aug. Just wondering if anyone has experience, don't want to get...
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    EMT County Recertification

    Hi, I live in San Francisco California, and wanted to recertify my county license, and need 24 hours C.E. units. I've seen several sites such as: Are...
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    Arrive on scene...

    Arrive on scene to a 4 pt mva mci. Which comes first: 1 Triage 2 Request additional resources. thanks.
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    Car accident.

    Currently working for an IFT company. Good standing. Recently got in minor accident with personal vehicle, insurance intervened. Going to put in an app for AMR soon. How will this accident and to what extent, will this accident affect me? Thank you.
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    Proposition 19 California

    What would this mean for government jobs, -EMS to be specific if Proposition 19 passes in California?
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    Lung Sounds

    I've checked youtube, google, etc, and didn't learn much. Question is, how to identify/differentiate (what do they sound like) between- rales, crackles, wheezing, rhonchi, locations of the sounds and possible diagnosis, from an ems point of view? Thanks for all the help community of emtlife.
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    NPA Usage.

    NPA and OPA- Specifically NPA, when should it be used? Had a situation where someone was doing fine one second, and went into seizure (petite mal, no twitching) Aox0, pain purpose/ pain withdraw. Slapped o2 and put on side. Pt was breathing normal rate of 22ish, v/s slightly elevated. Boss says...
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    SF Medic School?

    Good Evening, I'm currently looking for a Paramedic school in my area of San Francisco. I've signed up for the next round at SF City College which is spring of 2012- which is a bit long for me, and they do a lottery, i don't want to wait that long only to be rejected cause someone who scored...
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    DNR Order

    Scenario: I'm transporting a patient who has a valid dnr and the pt's wife (or significant other) is riding along in the back. The patient goes into cardiac arrest, and the wife tells me she wants him to be resuscitated and becomes frantic. What do?
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    San Francisco Fire Dept. EMT

    Anybody know about this position? Non-fire. Ems only.
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    I told her, I wanted to become a Para-

    I told her, I wanted to become a Paramedic in the future. She asked, "Why do you want to drive an Ambulance your whole life?"
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    To all of the doubters-

    As some of you have been following up, and bashing my efforts for a job in California, I had an interview earlier this week at a Bay Area ambulance company. It went very well and followed it with a physical test and drug test which was no problem. It is a huge relief to finally get this job...
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    Rock Med Volunteer

    So I signed up for an upcoming concert with Rock Med as an EMT this saturday. I informed by email that this would be my first time with Rock Med and if what i would need to know or do. They replied back with "you're on the list". What can i expect from volunteering at one of the venues with Rock...
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    Interview Riddles

    Hello fair citizens of emtlife. I've finally gotten a chance at an interview this week, and I wanted to know what were some of the trickier, trick questions you've been asked and how you responded to it. I've read in another post, someone was asked at an interview -if you can take one thing out...