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  1. wolverine

    The Wild Wild East

    It's getting Crazy in Newark&East Orange Gun Shot calls throw in 3 alarm fire&the usual GSW damn is it vacation time yet?:unsure: daily
  2. wolverine

    Gang Initiation Week

    Hello Brothers&Sisters Here in the fair State of New Jersey city of Newark&East Orange&Orange are having our yearly Gang Initiation week the count down so far is close to 14 shooting and let us not forget Halloween is around the corner and they have a different initiation for that holiday too...
  3. wolverine

    Call Volume

    Have U Ladies&Gentlemen Noticed an increase in Assault Trauma in your response area?We are getting hammered:wacko:
  4. wolverine

    Happy Holidays&Merry Christmas

    Happy Holidays& a Merry Christmas to all my Brothers&Sisters Wish You All Health&Happiness to you and your families Hope the new year bring you all your wishes true:)
  5. wolverine

    Sad&Funny but true

    Last Saturday EO was hopping it flooded we commissioned our truck a submarine, lost the front bumper on a cardiac call, back tracked after we dropped the PT at the ER found it floating in a pool of water, that was the fun part. a Hispanic man was hit with a blunt object had 4 inch gash above his...
  6. wolverine

    I must be hallucianting

    It's midnight on a Friday we been hammered since we got in service, we get dispatched to an unknown medical we show up to the building spend 20 minutes trying to get in until PD showed up and got us in, PT is on a third floor walk up. Here come the kicker the pt chief complain (I am HOT) it's 70...
  7. wolverine

    Murphy's Law

    [SIZE="4"]Why is it that all fat people live on a top floor walk up with no elevator, ever wonder how they got up there in the first place and when we show up they can't move and want to be carried on a stair chair?:wacko: