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  1. E

    Previous suspended license haunting me

    Ya I posted that I just completed my EMT course in December. I have never been employed as an EMT. Here in Washington, we only have one year to gain employment with an agency that offers affiliation or we will have to retake the class.
  2. E

    Suspended licence

    This was a really well thought out answer to her question. Thank you for posting this. I was hired on at a private ambulance company in Seattle then told I wasn’t insurable because I had a suspension (civil suit) on my record. I talked to a firefighter paramedic and he told me all private...
  3. E

    Previous suspended license haunting me

    Ya I don’t to want to take more classes. I just want to find an EMT position that offers affiliation where I won’t have to drive.
  4. E

    Previous suspended license haunting me

    Ya it’s a 2 quarter program at the community college by my house. I have 2 kids, am not working yet and do not have the money or time to take all these extra classes. I am about to go back to working in a restaurant till I figure this out so I can pay my bills. I just need to know if there are...
  5. E

    Previous suspended license haunting me

    Bullets- My license is not currently suspended. I was told that because I have a recent suspension on my record, I am uninsurable with the private ambulance insurance agency. I guess all ambulance companies insurance here in Seattle are like that. I have my EMT certificate and card but in order...
  6. E

    Previous suspended license haunting me

    Thank you for your reply. Er tech requires both cna and phlebotomy. The CNA course is 3 months long then state tests and the community college offers a phlebotomy certificate which is 6+ months and needs additional pre reqs and more state tests. My EMT certificate expires after 1 year and I...
  7. E

    Previous suspended license haunting me

    Hi everyone. I recently completed an EMT course and passed all my state exams. A local ambulance company hired me which is how I learned that my license was suspended for a civil suit. I got it reinstated but I was told that they had to stop the hiring process because I was uninsurable because...