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  1. Kate

    Crew Members Under 18 / High School Age Members

    Would you expand on the Hollywood allusion? Movie/s? I’d be interested to know. I haven’t seen their ER crews in action; what sort of tx/methods? Am curious to know, especially since it sounded as though you experienced something you disagreed with. In Jerusalem, the sole piece of their...
  2. Kate

    Crew Members Under 18 / High School Age Members

    "I also take issue with the person from Israel, even though it may be culturally acceptable to treat teens as adults in your country, physiologically there are vast changes going on in the frontal lobe at that time, governing impulse control, judgement and thought organization. Waiting until...
  3. Kate

    Crew Members Under 18 / High School Age Members

    Listen to the Pro's To the teens chomping at the bit to jump into EMR and be heroes: first go "Karate Kid" (“wax on, wax off”) and master the basic-basics. Keep in mind that the only person you can change is yourself. Study more than required and do exactly what you are asked to do without a...
  4. Kate

    Crew Members Under 18 / High School Age Members

    Listen to the Pro's accidental duplicate; requested deletion
  5. Kate

    Crew Members Under 18 / High School Age Members

    Re triemal04 post: "have you always lived in Israel, and if not, for how long, and where did you move from?" Lived in Seattle since 1959 (I'm 57), in Israel for 2 1/2 years.
  6. Kate

    Crew Members Under 18 / High School Age Members

    Agree with minimum age of 16--sounds about right, including for Israel. My point of view, again, is from Israel. And I'm making generalities. Maturity: Americans enter life with little experience of being present to witness death or serious accident. Having a grandparent die (usually in a...
  7. Kate

    Crew Members Under 18 / High School Age Members

    Hi, I'm a new person to EMTLife. Currently living in Israel and today searched this site for info on Magen David Adom, aka MDA or MADA. I have calls into that agency regarding taking the EMT basic program and volunteering. Was going to post here about how the training/experience would transfer...