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  1. N

    NASCAR's new deal with AMR What do you all think of this business agreement? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Severe GI Bleed

    Had this call a few months ago and wanted to get input on what you medics would have done...sorry if any of the info seems off or anything like that, some of the details of the call I don't quite remember. We were called to one of our convalescent facilities in our area for a sick person. Get...
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    CA Skills requirement?

    My friend just got his EMT recert today, and he told me that either this year or next year California will do away with requiring to take the skills test for recertification? Anyone have some insight on if this is true or not? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Culver City Fire AO Program

    Hey guys, just wondering if anyone knows anything about their program. Thinking of applying there and would appreciate input!
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    Glasses vs. Contacts

    Hi guys, so I was wondering for those of you who have vision problems what do you prefer to wear? I use glasses right now, but I worry about adjusting them all the time out in the field.