Search results

  1. LanceCorpsman

    Asthma attacks are mostly BS?

    I was attending some CE training and a flight RT mentioned how most (he said up to 70%) of asthma attacks that EMS gets dispatched to can be treated without any more medical interventions. He said it was because these patients having are having an anxiety attack secondary to the asthma and that...
  2. LanceCorpsman

    Looking for data for Cath alerts, stroke alerts, and trauma activation

    Its pretty obvious that the pre-arrival notifications for STEMIs and stroke alerts improve door to balloon time. But what does the actual data show on outcomes in mortality? I'm a 100% sure the data is out there. Ive been looking for a high quality systemic review that shows the improvement in...
  3. LanceCorpsman

    Summer paramedic programs

    I was wondering if anybody knew any accelerated paramedic programs (not including externship). I know there is an old thread about summer paramedic programs, but before you start saying "thats too short", I have my AEMT through the NREMT and my EMT-Intermediate through the state. I have my...
  4. LanceCorpsman

    Ketorolac for pain management

    Although in the protocols for Oregon permit the usage of ketorolac, it isn't included in my EMS standing orders for the county (includes 7 agencies). Do other EMS agencies use Ketorolac? If you guys do you us, how effective is it? And what are the general pain management protocols of NSAIDs vs...
  5. LanceCorpsman

    Ethical reporting.

    Hypothetically... You write a chart for a run for an elderly "fall" victim that rolled off of his bed. The pt seems to be uninjured, the pt has no complaints. The pt is atraumatic upon physical examination. The pt is on Coumadin. What should be just a lift assist turns into a transport because...
  6. LanceCorpsman

    Weird situation...

    So I volunteer on an ambulance. On the volunteer squad, the supervisor won't let me practice to my full scope (EMT-Intermediate) since I haven't been proctored by anybody with a higher cert than me (only two others, rarely respond). Even though my uniform says EMT-I, I can only practice as a...
  7. LanceCorpsman

    Sample patient narratives

    Im still fairly a noobie, i am having some issues with my documentations. I use the SOAP format. I just want to see some examples of experienced prehospital providers charts. Can anybody post like a sample or something please? Im having an issue with going too in depth and my charts tend to...
  8. LanceCorpsman

    Any MIH medics? How does it work in your system?

    Just got hired as an EMT-I for a new MIH program here. We basically do discharge follow ups for high risk patients, blood draws and etc ordered by the docs. We also do the "non-emergent" responses for people who don't need the ED. Any of you work for a MIH program? How does yours work?
  9. LanceCorpsman

    Managing patients with phyciatric issues

    Had a patient today who has been in and out of rehab for drug abuse. Patient has had suicide attempts and has OD'd a few times. This patient has some obvious mental issues and is seen by behavioral health specialists. Because of my lack of experience, I usually feel useless and don't know how...
  10. LanceCorpsman

    Premeds I want to hear your story.

    Ive noticed some of you on the forum are trying to become doctors. What is your story? Why do you want to become a doctor? Has being in EMS influenced your choice of becoming a doctor? Also, if you still work and go to school (undergrad), how do you balance the two?
  11. LanceCorpsman

    Noticing a trend in CBG and ventricular ectopic beats.

    Female in her 40s with DM2 is admitted to the ICU for DKA. Initial lab tests show that blood sugar was in the 500s and electrolytes were normal. After taking care of this pt for a few days, I have noticed a trend. Her normal ranges for her CBG was between 250-300 and the pt was in normal sinus...
  12. LanceCorpsman

    High School 911 Anybody know exactly how this 911 system works? I am interested in the opinions of the rest of the EMS community. In my opinion, I would have never trusted my 16 year old self in the back of the ambulance treating a patient. But I wasn't exactly most...
  13. LanceCorpsman

    OSHA Requirements on PPE

    Not necessarily EMS but fire...but since there seems to be a lot of fire guys here I'm going to go ahead and ask. If my department follows OSHA standards, does it mean that structure gear has to meet NFPA 1971? OSHA says: 1910.156(e)(3)(ii)The performance, construction, and testing of...
  14. LanceCorpsman

    PulsePoint CPR

    Does anybody on this page live in a city with the PulsePoint bystander notification app? Has it worked well in your city? Have you ever responded to a code while off duty because of this app? And while on duty, have you encountered anybody who was on scene because of it? Just curious because in...
  15. LanceCorpsman

    RT's in EMS

    I have seen one local HEMS agency having RT's on their helicopters. I was just wondering what the point is having an RT on the helicopter. What purpose do they serve? I mean can't a medic and an RN do everything a RT can do in the prehospital setting?
  16. LanceCorpsman

    Overseas opportunity?

    Does anybody know of any overseas volunteer/disaster relief opportunities for EMTs? Has anybody been overseas and have any experiences?
  17. LanceCorpsman

    What do you guys do with frequent fliers?

    I'm sure that every agency has them, your frequent fliers who call almost everyday. Anyway, we have a gentleman that calls 911 for "chronic back pain." He does have a extensive medical history, and without a doubt he is in pain. But his docs won't prescribe him any pain meds or what he likes to...
  18. LanceCorpsman

    Calling for HEMS?

    I currently work on a band aid bus that provides mutual aid to a rural Fire/EMS agency. They currently only have one Basic working so every time their tones drop, we get toned as well. So we end up taking the 30 min drive to assist them. The thing that bothers me is that they like to call for...
  19. LanceCorpsman

    Epi for anaphylaxis route

    This may be a dumb question. But I am new to this world and have a genuine question. On our standing orders EMTs, AEMTs, and EMT-Is are only allowed to administer Epi Sub Q. Where as Medics can administer IM. I understand that IM works faster, how come it is restricted to medics? What is the...
  20. LanceCorpsman

    Trauma, choosing the right transport destination.

    Hello everyone, I'm fairly new to the EMS scene, just got my AEMT and now working on my EMT-I in the state of Oregon. I wanted to get some opinions on deciding which hospital to transport to, my agency is located in rural Oregon. The city I live in has a Level III Trauma center without a...