Search results

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    Dealing with Back Pain while on the job?

    There are many people who experience back pain. When back pain is persistant and disabling for long time then its a clear indication of the the need for a going to a good pain relief center NJ.
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    What are your Health tips?

    I start my day by drinking a glass of warm water with lemon each morning. Do cardiovascular exercise on an empty stomach. Have smoothie for my breakfast. For snacks, I prefer a small apple with some almonds or a boiled egg. I ensure to eat every three hours.
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    Workout plan/diet?

    As you said you are a couch potato, so you must first start to not eating in front of TV. You can go with drinks which have squeeze of citrus.
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    sport for fitness

    Swimming is really a great form of exercise for most of your health problem.
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    Lower back exercises

    A series of exercise routines are there, you can do to help reduce any lower back pain like knee rolls or back extensions.
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    Heart issue...?

    ASD has many long term effects when the defect is large that is greater than 2cm.