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  1. MicahW

    Choosing Suctioning Vacuum Pressure

    Hey guys, So I was wondering how you guys choose the pressure on your suction units. The ones we use are quite old and only have an on and off setting (that I know of). Recently, though, I have seen many companies using suction units with variable vacuum pressure. I have heard that it is...
  2. MicahW

    Opinions on EMTs Under 18 yo

    If you are here to attack others about other posts, please leave.
  3. MicahW

    Opinions on EMTs Under 18 yo

    You are taking my comments completely out of context. I was trying to say that the way in which the OP of that thread acted was more than reasonable and that he should not be worried at all. I did not "advocate" taking that course of action, it was obviously a hyperbole, and if you cannot see...
  4. MicahW

    Opinions on EMTs Under 18 yo

    I actually have taken ride alongs with me at my volunteer company, where I am a full member, the same as everyone else. Please do not speak about something that you do not know about. In reality, would I have some random guy from the internet ride with me? Probably not unless he were thinking...
  5. MicahW

    Opinions on EMTs Under 18 yo

    I do not at all think that I am anywhere but at the bottom of the ladder, I was simply pointing out that this is not about me. If you have an opinion on the matter, I would curious to find out what it is, but this was not meant as a thread where both sides could simply attack each other. As for...
  6. MicahW

    Opinions on EMTs Under 18 yo

    chaz90 is completely correct, only volunteer positions until you are 18. There is nothing against hiring a 17yo from the CT OEMS but it would be an insurance issue and child labour laws could make it complicated.
  7. MicahW

    Opinions on EMTs Under 18 yo

    squirell15, I did not mean for this to be at all about me, your opinions about me are not really relevant to this. I simply gave myself as an example to start a dialogue about opinions regarding the subject in general. I also do not think that by looking at how I joke around on the internet...
  8. MicahW

    Opinions on EMTs Under 18 yo

    I simply wanted to show that I truly respect the medical field and what it takes to be good in it and that his is not some hobby out of which I get my daily adrenaline high.
  9. MicahW

    14 year old EMR - beach cardiac arrest - feel bad/somebody's opinion?

    I am sorry for not responding to that thread. I know many lifeguards. I play water polo and almost every member of my team is a lifeguard, none of them are trained EMRs or EMTs. I have many other friends who are lifeguards, both at beaches and at pools, again, none of them are EMRs or EMTs...
  10. MicahW

    14 year old EMR - beach cardiac arrest - feel bad/somebody's opinion?

    I think that some of you are taking my earlier comment to seriously, *I was joking*. I would obviously never punch anyone in the face and I am sorry that you could not sense my sarcasm. I do believe, however, that if you are an EMR with field experience (especially if this is not your first...
  11. MicahW

    14 year old EMR - beach cardiac arrest - feel bad/somebody's opinion?

    So are you suggesting that the lifeguard was correct in the way he acted?
  12. MicahW

    14 year old EMR - beach cardiac arrest - feel bad/somebody's opinion?

    No, I would have waited until the ambulance had left the scene. At the time, I probably would have just asked him to leave the scene and come back when he could handle himself appropriately; that always gets people like that to shut up.
  13. MicahW

    14 year old EMR - beach cardiac arrest - feel bad/somebody's opinion?

    You did the right thing!!!! You are an EMR, the lifeguard is a lifeguard, (EMR > Lifeguard) if it were me, I would have punched that lifeguard in the face. Not only was he or she out of line, but he or she is doing the worst thing possible by adding even more chaos to the scene by acting that...
  14. MicahW

    Opinions on EMTs Under 18 yo

    I am a fairly new EMT (under 2 years). I am now 17 and became an EMT in CT at 16. I have heard opinions from both sides about weather or not people under 18 should be allowed to be EMTs. I have had a variety of experiences in EMS regarding my age. It is not uncommon for people to ask me my...
  15. MicahW

    Report: FIRE doing EMS should come to an end.

    I see what you mean but I work at a private company so it definitely doesn't affect me, and even my volunteer company largely pays for itself through billing. I do think that it might be a better idea though to send maybe 2 or 3 guys in the chief's car: it's faster and cheaper and if they do...
  16. MicahW

    Report: FIRE doing EMS should come to an end.

    I see your point but I rarely get a call that comes in as "abdominal pain (no need for fire) but the patient is 350 pounds and at the top of a spiral staircase, so we'll dispatch fire to help you out with moving the patient". I would rather have fire there just in case I need help, and possibly...
  17. MicahW

    Report: FIRE doing EMS should come to an end.

    I disagree with not having FD respond to any medicals. Although I have had some bad experiences with crews that are lazy and do not want to do anything that does not interest them, fire can be of great help. Where I work, we run 2 man rigs. Our ALS rigs consist of one ALS provider and one BLS...
  18. MicahW

    What Does a 'Do Not Resuscitate' Order Include?

    I posted this in scenarios because of the second part of the question, but I now realize that it probably belongs somewhere else. If anyone knows how to move it, please let me know.
  19. MicahW

    What Does a 'Do Not Resuscitate' Order Include?

    This is a two part question: a) Can a person with a DNR be given Adenosine, for example, if they are in SVT, or CPAP for a pulmonary edema? I get that a person with cancer, for example, would not want to be resuscitated just to live for another week in pain; however, I doubt that if I had a...
  20. MicahW

    Which Ems pants??

    You are completely correct about the blood borne pathogen resistance, that is not at all what I meant to say. What I meant was that you are unlikely to have your underwear soaked with blood at the end of the day (I have seen that happen to others). As for the staining, I have not managed to...