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  1. stethoscope

    What defines a 'wacker' vs a 'normal' EMT?

    I've been hearing the term wacker used periodically in EMS. I did my research and found out that the definition is somewhat gray and subjective. What defines a wacker once and for all? What sets apart someone who is a wacker, and someone who likes what they do? I have 2 smaller star of life...
  2. stethoscope

    New EMT Questions

    Hey all, I'm approaching the half way marker in my training. So far, I love this, and I'm excited to get real world experience. I have some questions that I figured you guys may be able to answer? 1) We are going to need patient contact experience soon. I have a company that I would love to...
  3. stethoscope

    Advice to the new EMT

    Hey guys. I'm new to this forum and I wanted to introduce myself. I'm soon to be in school for my EMT-B certification. My classes start March 3rd, and I'll be certified (my college administers all required national testing and schedules clinicals -- awesome right?) as of July. I decided to be an...