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    Backboarding / C-Collar When Patient Refuses

    Yes I have read numerous documents that say backboards are not effective and in some cases cause more harm then actually help the patient. My only problem lies in the fact is that the state protocols are different then what I'm reading. I can't tell a patient that backboards are not effective...
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    Backboarding / C-Collar When Patient Refuses

    Our call sheets don't have a refusal sign off for given said interventions. All we have is for RMAs. When I document how should I do so? I don't want to be over detailed but at the same time I think I should do so.
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    Finish 4year degree first or medic school?

    Get your degree first. It's always good to have it for a back-up if you want to go venture into another field. And it's something that no one can ever take away for you!
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    Backboarding / C-Collar When Patient Refuses

    Hey Guys, I'm running into this problem more often. I don't know why, but people who show signs of back and neck pain that needed to be c-collared and boarded are refusing a c-collar. I know new state protocols are calling for selective c-spine, but for now I have to stick to the basics and...
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    Assessing female pt

    To the two people that posted above me let me explain. I have dealt with a lot of pshyc patients in my lifetime. Most of the calls I get when involving pshyc patients is that there showing aggression towards someone in an extreme manner. When this happens we have a policeman ride with us to the...
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    First Time E.M.T. (When can he ride?)

    Ok thanks everyone.
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    First Time E.M.T. (When can he ride?)

    So I have a buddy who is currently taking the EMT course. As of now, he is able to ride with me (EMT) as along as we have an additional EMT with us. Basically 2 EMTs, 1 non-EMT (rules as per volly squad). Of course he can't do anything, but it's good experience for him. In a couple months he...
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    Assessing female pt

    I rarely take vital like blood pressure/ pulse pshyc patient calls. If you do, it can lead to much worse things. Never force a patient into doing anything they're uncomfortable with unless it is absolutely necessary or life-threatening.
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    Pacing question

    I was just curious because the post was written as if their partner was making all the major decision instead of working together as a team.
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    Pacing question

    Does your partner have more knowledge then you. Is he/she a paramedic and your an EMT?
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    Report Writing (Documenting Rx)

    I use saying keep it simple stupid, KISS. Obviously anything out of the ordinary a would make not of but really saying that you secure the pt with straps is unnesscary.
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    Non Invasive Assessment Tools

    It's hard mainly because as a EMT where I'm from we don't have lifepaks and other equipment nesscary in order to dive into further depth as to wait is really going on.
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    Advice to the new EMT

    Yes is probably one of the most important. You work as a team. If you can't do something discuss it with your partner and go from there. It's a team!!!
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    Stroke Assesment Sentence

    Thanks guys for the advice. I look forward to researching and improving my skills. Thanks again.
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    Stroke Assesment Sentence

    It got called out as a stroke. I would have to disagree with you when you said slurred speech is slurred speech. Not if the slurred speech isn't normal. It's like saying a patient's BP is in normal range. This is normal range
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    Stroke Assesment Sentence

    hey guys, I know the book tells you when assessing at patient for a stroke to ask the patient to smile. Another trick is to tell the patient to repeat a sentence. I use, "The sky is blue in Cincinnati." What do u guys use?
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    Car Accident

    All ambulances were BLS but from different agencies. I think the failure was the fact that no one triaged any of the patients. This delayed the nesscary ALS units and also from finding information from each patient. I'm definitely going to talk to my supervisor even though it was awhile ago.
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    Car Accident

    Hello guys. About two weeks ago I was in a multiple patient car accident. There were patients. Upon arrival to the scene there was a crew accessing the patient in critical condition and another ambulance arrives on scene (we were the 3rd ambulance). One member of the second crew commands that...