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  1. M

    Alberta EMT to move to Quebec

    If I were you, i would call urgences sante, the montreal ambulance company. From what Ive heard you have practicals, a protocol exam and a physical aptitude test. You obviously need to be fluent in french. As for AIT, i dont believe it really applies in quebec as the system is totally different...
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    Natasha Richardson dies

    As a prehospital care provide in Quebec, firstof we have no "paramedics" really, only BLS support. Secondly, the ambulance showed up at the ski hill and a refusal of care was signed. Under quebec law a pt can refuse care if there is no altered LOC, pt is CAO 4x4 and no influence of drugs or...
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    Medical Supply Store in Montreal

    theres a bunch of places. the mcgill university bookstore has them and theyre a decent price, if not theres dufort and lavigne which is more east from cdn. Other than that, you can try allheart, or dixieems but they are in the US and even though the price looks good, its expensive when you...
  4. M

    EMT-IV class dress code

    We had the option to wear uniforms for my class, but I choose to wear it for one simple reason:" your going to be working int he uniform, so why not train in it? it gets you sed to everything as well as making you feel more professional, and more serious in class.
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    What have you packed or carried which was useless? What d'you leave OUT!

    I'm with Rid on this one, Keds arent used to immobilize, they are only used to extricate a stable patient onto a bacboard or a vacmat (up here in QC we use those too unfortunately). Even at that, our local protocal says if you have to extricate a patient, you should rapid ex instead of using a ked.
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    Fire/EMS Magazines

    I read ems and ems responder. Theres also a decent one for people from quebec called trauma, its in french and outline the ems system in qc
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    "medic shears" different from bandage scissors?

    The bandage scissors actually have a rounded knob on the tip. Medic shears have the round knob but its only on one side of the blade
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    Volunteer incentive programs

    we actually get a per diem of 3.33 per hour, along with accumulating "ems" miles. Basically, every hour you work gets you ten miles that you can use to get fleece jackets, work shirts, boots, radio holsters etc. It works really well
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    I dont know about using sandbags, it seems like it could create a lot of strain on the patients neck during transport if they slide. We use the leardal stiffneck which works really well, and have 2 sizes for peds
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    we currently use the zoll p series, and they work really well, except theyre super heavy. (useless NIBP compressor amongst other things). Before we used the LP 12's and i loved them.
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    1 crazy shift

    So I am studying to become an emergency medical responder in montreal, quebec and the service Im with gives us the opportunity to do observer shifts. so i worked a double from 8 am to midnight on saturday, and boy did i actually get to see just about everything ive been training for (and some...
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    allergy to non-latex gloves

    ive had a similar problem, its actually a rash fromt he heat. ur hands get a bit sweaty and irritated. try using powdered gloves or maybe put a bit of baby powder on ur hands before a call if u have time
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    textbook question

    hey everyone, im going to be doing the canadian equivalent of the emt-b class soon and wanted to buy a good textbook for it. i was thinking of the mosby emt-p book as an overall reference in case i decided to go further, but i also notices a phtls book. any recommednations as to which book i...
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    Assignment Question!

    15-30 A
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    canadian trainee

    hey everyone, My name is Mark and Im starting my first responder/emt training in january in montreal. I was wondering if anyone had experiences with the canadian medical system in terms of first responders and the like. feel free to msg me