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    Today, call at 11.00 a.m. in "red" code, female age 78, unresponsive... we arrived in 4 minutes...and I saw the patience sit on chair, with her sister....I ask she "what happen mrs?" and she said...."i feel tired, very tired". her heart frequency ??? 29! ....I allowed EKG, and it confirm...
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    250 kg? I agree with Jon.....
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    Combitube removed from EMTB NSTC???

    Emt-i EMT-I in italy are allowed to: _Airways management...only "mayo canule oropharingee", not rhinofaringee. intubation is a medic competence, "only medic". We don't use combitube etc.... _Adrenaline, athropine, glucose 33%, NaCl 0.9%, ringers..... _monitoration: Glucose level with...
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    On the road diet suggestions

    diet Breakfast: 150 gr. jogurt 0.1 % fat + 100 gr. cereals after 3 hours : 1 fruit (no banana) lunch : 100 gr. rice with tomato sauce (no oil) + vegetables no fried.+ 70gr. bread after 3 hours : 1 cereal bar + coffee with sugar dinner : 200 gr. chicken (no fried)+ 100 gr. potatoes...
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    i'm feeling a little

    "Practice, practice, practice and learning" is the right way....
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    New User

    Hi guys...i'm new. i'm from italy (milan) I'm an EMT Intermediate professional. i'm difficult to write in english, then I don't understand all that you write in topics. but i will try to understand animate discussions! bye.
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    Scenario time.

    scenario I allow a glucometer, <60 mg/dl, 2ml of rapid glucose 33%,...monitorate conscious, blood pression...and transport.
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    NEED help using the KED

    KED (here SED) Middle, legs, head.....
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    Combitube removed from EMTB NSTC???

    intubation italy...combitube doesn't exist...:sad: