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  1. katgrl2003

    the 100% directionless thread

    It's 39 degrees outside and I have the bedroom window open. I love this weather!
  2. katgrl2003

    the 100% directionless thread

    12 hours with no runs... where did my black cloud go?
  3. katgrl2003

    the 100% directionless thread

    Actually I walked down the isle to the imperial march. Heard at least one person say, "she's actually doing it!" I would be surprised if its already on youtube.
  4. katgrl2003

    the 100% directionless thread

    I'm married!
  5. katgrl2003

    Staff putting personal touches on the rigs...

    Ahhh, our ffs don't do assessments, or treatments, or usually even touch the patients. "That's the medic's job. " We recently had to teach the guys at our firehouse basic skills because they had not had any education since emt school. I wonder if drinking worn them would help?
  6. katgrl2003

    Staff putting personal touches on the rigs...

    Wait, ffs get in your truck to help? Teach me your secrets!
  7. katgrl2003

    Anyone from Indiana????

    I don't know about the one chance, because it only took me one try. I think you can take it more than once, but I'm not sure.
  8. katgrl2003

    Anyone from Indiana????

    I'm from Indiana. Indiana has a state cert, Public Safety ID (PSID) which had all of your certs under one number, whether they are EMS, fire, etc. Only a regular drivers license is required. I took the state test 8 years ago when I was first certified. It has probably changed since then...
  9. katgrl2003

    What is your MUST HAVE piece of equipment?

    Digital Debbie. I hate when the actual dispatchers are on the dispatch channel because one is always very quiet and the next is almost screaming... usually right after you turn the volume up for the other dispatcher.
  10. katgrl2003

    the 100% directionless thread

  11. katgrl2003

    the 100% directionless thread

    Checkout dives for scuba today and tomorrow!
  12. katgrl2003

    the 100% directionless thread

    Went to the dentist yesterday because of swollen gums and and lymph nodes... infection of one of my wisdom teeth and possible extraction needed. On antibiotics and probably going to get a tooth pulled less than a week before the wedding. I really hope this is the only bad luck I have.
  13. katgrl2003

    the 100% directionless thread

    Just paid off my credit card, and later that day had to charge more stuff to it. I wanted to cry.
  14. katgrl2003

    the 100% directionless thread

    My favorite **** too!
  15. katgrl2003

    the 100% directionless thread

    We are getting married in 9 days, so both doing pretty good. USAF is being his normal cranky self. Ready for the honeymoon, going to the southern Caribbean. I've missed you guys!
  16. katgrl2003

    the 100% directionless thread

    Flooding in Indy. Thank god for dryers at station.
  17. katgrl2003

    the 100% directionless thread

    I just noticed she wasn't on my friends list on fb anymore. Hmm. Also, Hi Robb! And usaf sends his hellos as well to everyone.
  18. katgrl2003

    was physiology hard for you?

    I did pretty well on anatomy and most of physiology, but neuro solidly kicked my butt. I just don't understand how the brain works.
  19. katgrl2003

    the 100% directionless thread

    Moved back in with my parents almost a year ago. Finally getting stuff organized and moved around... holy cow, didn't realize we had this much crap. On a side note, the cat is loving the empty boxes.
  20. katgrl2003

    the 100% directionless thread

    Blasphemy! Cannolis are awesome!