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  1. J

    Best "Skilled" Nursing Home stories

    SNF calls 911 for patient with altered mental status and difficulty breathing. We get on scene, and the patient was just walking on her own to go to the restroom. We talk to the staff and they report that her SpO2 was in the 70s and her heart rate was in the high 90s. We tried explaining to...
  2. J


    I just found out that the patient had an adverse reaction to MSG.
  3. J


    That's how I feel. I didn't put him on oxygen. We're a QRS for a college, and I thought it would agitate him more. I got QA'd for not putting him on O2. I wrote in the chart it wasn't indicated. We were only on scene for about 5 minutes before Philly medics arrived too. He was certainly not...
  4. J


    I was just on a call and had a question about oxygen. The patient had just come back from dinner and was experiencing face tingling/numbness and his arms and legs were shaking. He said he had a lump his throat and had "slight" difficulty breathing. No history of asthma, no food allergies, no...