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  1. C

    Fire department Employment

    That's fine. Not everyone in Fire is a medic. It just looks better and you're more likely to get hired with that cert.
  2. C

    Tips and Tricks

    This. Cheap and easy and usually helps at least a little bit. I have heard breaking an ice pack and just putting it on a pt's forehead helps too.
  3. C

    Who Needs An AED? CPR FTW!

    Agreed. Remember if it is a true MI, CPR is just keeping the brain and organs alive until an AED is brought. People can look like they are having an MI when something else could be wrong. Remember to shake & wake, check for breathing and pulse before you start pounding away on their chest!
  4. C

    Lunch Break.

    I also have never had to hug a wall that long. However if it is taking a while my partners and I will take turns helping in the ER if we are allowed. Just to pass the time a bit and is usually appreciated by the staff.
  5. C

    Triple Arrest

    Me too. Still a good story!
  6. C

    jobs before EMS

    I worked at Costco for a while. Didn't work out well then I went to EMT school!