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  1. K

    patient's Apple Watch -- useful on a call !

    just attended a mandatory professional rescuer refresher. I and the instructor were the only one wearing apple watches. asked him why he thought, he said : had a call recently where a bike rider took a header and smacked his he'd on the concrete...
  2. K

    Lyme disease carditis..

    CDC has some recent info on the unusual complication of carditis secondary to lyme disease. 3 middle-aged pts had had fatal heart attacks. all tested positive for undiagnosed lyme disease with carditis. some sx included...
  3. K

    new WMS research : c spine protocols

    The Wilderness Medicine Society has just published some very interesting consensus research on preventing C spine injuries in prehospital care. what interested me most was the discussion on logrolling vs. a trap slide, and the importance of padding the occiput...
  4. K

    how soon is exam scheduled?

    how soon was your NREMT scheduled after you send in the verifications of having passed the state EMT boards and the money? i ask this because NREMT gave me a very curt answer as to when the exam would be scheduled: 'we will tell you when the exam is...
  5. K

    impaired mental function..anticholinergics

    I am always curious about the baseline mental functioning in the elderly patients. There is a new study published in Alzheimer's & Dementia, November 26, 2012 which suggests that after 60 days on an anticholinergic (e.g. benadryl pm, diphenhydramine taken for...
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    pathophysiology:LOC , hang upside down? It is lore in mountaineering that climbers who accidentally flip upside down in their harnesses and hang there too long eventually lose consciousness, then die if...
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    albuterol contraindications..

    From NIH: Albuterol Cardiovascular Effects "...Albuterol, like all other beta-adrenergic agonists, can produce a clinically significant cardiovascular effect in some patients as measured by pulse rate, blood pressure, and/or symptoms. Although such effects are uncommon after administration...
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    advice ?psychomotor/instructor conflicts

    Our college is giving us some practice exams to prepare for our practical final exams and then upcoming psychomotor NREMT later this summer. we as a class have found that some outside non -college examiners 'prefer' a certain method, and 'critically fail' folks...
  9. K

    how to do KED application for NREMT?

    I am an EMT B student in PA, studying for NREMT in May. My College EMT instructors state that application of KED in PA is all 3 torso straps , then head straps then leg straps "just like a long spine board application." All the manufacturer published...